
I thought he was saying “Boo-urns”...

I didnt get that either!! For a second I thought I had missed the part about them making it NO DQ or something.
My only reasoning is that MAYBE it didnt count as a legit hold at the moment since Lesnar didnt have him down on the mat?? Who knows..

Would you accept Glacier?

To me the funniest part of this whole segment was Sid still selling Shockmaster as a legit threat!!

One of my favorite Heenan lines was probably one of the last things he ever said on a WWE broadcast. During the Wrestlemania X7 gimick Battle Royal and Iron Shiek came plodding out on his bad knees: “By the time The Shiek gets to the ring, it’ll be Wrestlemania 38!!”
RIP Bobby. You were the greatest of all time!!

Him bouncing off the ropes twice while the Undertaker just stood there while he set up that stupid “Super running Spear!!!!!11!!” still angers me. HORRIBLE FINISHER!!

That legit made me laugh out loud at my desk at work. Thanks for almost getting me in trouble!

These guys sold a ton of merch and were still pretty over with the crowd. I feel like they shouldve at least got one run with the tag titles before they broke them up. Oh well..Here’s to Cass getting lost in the midcard and Enzo disappearing to 205 Live...

“Look at the coward trying to jump through the window!!”

THIS!!! After Ellsworth dumped Becky off the ladder, he shouldve just helped Carmella get back to her feet and helped her get the briefcase. I had no problem with him interfering in the match because it was expected but to have him be the one to claim the briefcase and give it to her was idiotic

I had one get killed by a stupid Yiga clan swordsman. I dismounted to fight him and he teleported next to my horse and started swinging his stupid wind cleaver at me. Hit the horse a few times and my steed keeled over and died. I think the saddest thing was seeing the poor horses body just laying there for a few

Was just coming here to post this. This was the same team that was making it harder for fans to get cheaper tickets through Stubhub a year ago

Here we are, two years later and this damn GIF still makes me laugh out loud

Also this..