
Yeah I’ve seen the third party controllers and extension cables but never this bad boy

I think the NES Classic did, but the extra official controller was just a hallucination.

I was lucky enough to get one, but the official extra controller must be a myth because I have never seen it for sale anywhere.

“How about that?!” Sells the whole thing!!! LOL

How the hell did they keep a straight face in that ring?!?! This is pure gold!!

Corey calling David Otunga “Jennifer’s Husband” is still one of my favorite put downs of his!!

Was coming here to post this!! I loved MLB Power Pros’ story mode!!

This is the second reference to that episode I have read this week!!!

Found that out the hard way!! Eesh!

A pair of Bokoblin skeletons attacked me at one of the abandoned outposts. I was trying to keep them at bay, when suddenly one of them dashed off and picked up one of the rusty weapons that I had dropped and left behind a few seconds before they appeared! I love this game!!

RE: Comedy Sequels
“Hot Shots!: Part Deux” was better than the original “Hot Shots!”

That was actually my first accidental death!! I put the bow and arrow down trying to get a better look at these bokoblins so I could snipe them and I didnt realize the friggin arrow stays lit. Had a good laugh at least.



Its good

And this year is Wrestlemania Sun!!

This is great..and depressing..