
That was probably my favorite line from the whole sketch!!

You’re not wrong..

Goldberg...Do you know what happens when you throw defenseless people into the water like that??

I still dont get the lack of votes for Lee Smith. I guess it’ll be up to the veterans committee to vote him in now.

Man, this new season of “Bates Motel” is gonna be twisted AF..

+1 WVBA Title Bout

Still no love for Lee Smith. I think this is his last year on the ballot too.



I remember when they first made the switch, there was a sign at my local Subway saying they would still cut your sandwich like that upon request.

I thought it would be this..

There will come a day where this will not make me is not that day..

I had the Dick Tracy version of those watches! It was fun for what it was

Its gonna be epic!!!

Still holding out hope (as unlikely as this is) that it will happen. He would be in his legal and constitutional right to do it and it would be a proper FU to the GOP that has obstructed him all these years. Come on Obama, go for the epic mic drop!!!

Same! I was playing with our son so the wifey could binge watch the show in peace and I keep hearing “This is f**king stupid!” over and over again. I walk over to see whats up and she goes off on how they put this musical in the show. She ended up fast forwarding because she had enough.

My only guess is its supposed to be a spiny shell, but if thats the case, it shouldnt have the same ridges as a turtle shell!!
