Doug Nash

It’s really gorgeous. Here in SoCal, we see all kinds of goodness, and the GT is no exception. But damn, if it still doesn’t cause me to stop in my tracks and stare. Whomever headed up the exterior design for this new model, should be paid attention to in the future.

If ever there was an example of form over function, this would be it.

If you can’t beat ‘em, paint ‘em.

The safety level entirely matches that of the kind of person who would even think of doing such to their car.

Indeed. But it’s hard to get too critical when the team scores two points in the first five minutes, and goes on to grab three more before the end.

It’s BECAUSE you’re not fluent in Spanish that it’s ridiculously exciting. It’s the Cardinals. If you knew what was neing said, you’d be bored to tears.

A boy can dream, right?

The only thing worse than being the hot dog eating champion, is coming in second.

He may have been a questionable Commander in Chief, but I bet he’s busted ass around Texas in his own GT350 - fueled up with a couple lines o’ coke.

You, my friend, have some low-ish standards. Maybe I’m spoiled, but anything over 5-sec seems horribly restrained.

Hey, for some people, 0-60 in ten-seconds isn’t a bad thing.

This commercial is geared 100% towards people who bought Toyotas after finding out they were grounded to the ground.

Go get ‘em, girls!

Hey, you better watch it with those ten-dollar words.

This thing looks fantastic. Audi really knows how to design with totally consistent, clean lines. They’re the exact opposite of MBZ, and they’re spazzed-out out of sync front and back ends.

A relative just took delivery of one of these new AMG models, and I’ve driven it quite a bit. It’s PRETTY FUCKING AWESOME. Which, it should be, considering it cost in the neighborhood of $70K. But it has serious speed, great handling, and fantastic brakes. Plus, it’s a really usable hatchback style. The one fly in the

Do you mean all four? ;-)

I’ve had that. Tasty stuff, served over hearty egg noodles, and accompanied by a nice Bordeaux.

That’s a classic. The CG looked stunning, back in the day. It’s similar to how bad Avatar looked about six-months after it was released...