
Guys? I think we need to look out for Sam. That’s just brutal.

You totally stole that from Robert Frost.

I sleep 8 hours a night, spend time with my wife, don’t answer e-mails off hours and I’ve NEVER been fired by the Dolphins.
Check and mate, shitbrains.

“Fueled by five or six 20-ounce cups a day from the Kuerig coffee maker that is an arm’s length from his desk, and maybe a Red Bull here or there, Gase has energy like a power plant. And it doesn’t wane in the wee hours”

Can confirm, have been to harsh noise shows in New England residential basements with more attendees.

harsh noise shows in a grungy basement have more paying customers

with a broken arm, no less

+1 for that kid in the Duff hat

‘the fuck are you talking about?

If you consume any ESPN product besides live sporting events, I think you are not very bright.

There’s just one thing dude, do you have to use so many cuss words?

They’re playing out the string. The era of Big Sport is on the wane, and ESPN’s fortunes are following the same trajectory. If you were planning for the long term, you’d be focused on millennials and demographic changes. He’s not. He’s trying to wring every last dollar out of current circumstances, because the future

He’s Donj with a chin.

“I’m all in favor of it.”—Buccaneers’ first head coach John McKay, when questioned about his team’s execution.

Please. Rum Punch was one of Leonard’s lesser novels. Most of the really interesting things about that movie (e.g. Pam Grier) are Tarantino’s ideas. There was very little--if any-- aging wistfulness and regret in Rum Punch. And Tarantino nailed that aspect of the story, which he rarely gets any credit for.

I was there when it started in 1976. The Go-For-0 years. When it was fun and funny that they sucked so bad. I can (and have) put up with a lot of shit, both from the Culverhouse years and the Glazer’s. It is not ironic that the original Glazer wealth came from running trailer parks. But when they chose Jameis Winston,

Nah, never. Fuck the Lightning and their stupid sweetheart contracts because guys would rather live in Florida and pay less state tax in the winter than wind up fucked over in Edmonton or Winnipeg or Columbus.

I remember when I first saw Fitzpatrick in that outfit I couldn’t figure out why Connor McGregor was giving a press conference for the Bucs

Tarantino has another long, sentimental film in his canon of work, and that’s ‘Jackie Brown’. In that film it was Pam Greer and Robert Forester who provided the mood of characters now past their prime and looking at an uncertain future.

It’s already been mentioned but I feel the need to reiterate. The fact that we are calling the objective labeling of racism “politics” these days seems like the much bigger story here.