I’m sure the ball will have a place of honor in his mom’s basement.
I’m sure the ball will have a place of honor in his mom’s basement.
I wonder what his girlfriend think about all th.... hahahahahaha, sorry couldn’t make it to the end.
Every adult that brings a glove to a game and doesn’t have a kid with them should be put on some sort of list.
I thought so too but then I remembered she dated (dates?) Elon Musk so who the hell knows what is going on here
We’re reducing funding and staffing at lots of different federal agencies. The supposed goal is to reduce federal spending... but since the agencies are required by law to continue functioning, they have to hire private corporations to do the work for them. The government ends up paying more to private companies than…
Black Panthers tried that. Didn’t really work out so well for them.
We’re digging trenches in the dirt now just so we can lower the bar on human intelligence.
I’m against equal pay. The women’s team should make more.
I actually kind of love that I have no idea what anything means and that the clips look like the world’s most random stock footage. This must be how most people feel watching the NFL.
As a brit I’ve never really felt comfortable with how baseball players catch weak handed.
It’s truly not that complicated! Like, I’m not an expert by any means, and I only watch once every 4 years or so, but yo, just watch a YouTube video explainer and you’ll get it. I could probably copy and paste this for a dozen more comments in this article, but here it is!
What you have to understand is that England is now the clear favorite to win the tournament. So yes, you are 100% correct.
After watching these highlights, I am convinced baseball should do away with mitts entirely.
You are only making me more sure of the fact that they would worship me as a God
hey, you leave Bob Mould out of this!
America doesn’t have a far left movement.
What’s a pair of genocide funding cousin fuckers gotta do to get some respect around here? Sheesh.
He knew the camera was on him so it was probably a set up.