
“Show me how you wiggle to get those jeans up. I bet you had to lay down on your bed to fit into those jeans. Did you step into those jeans or did you have to jump into them?“

No worse than Sinatra or any of the other lounge singers.

Almost isn’t good enough....

Backdoor Shenanigans is the name of my Gaelic-core G.G. Allin tribute band.

I hate their subjects, but I love the lifestyle/real estate/profile reporting - I’m fairly sure it’s all part of a Fifth Column fomenting class warfare. When the revolution comes, the Times archive is going to give me a long target list.

The NYTimes Style section is the best Maoist propaganda this side of the Little Red Book.

I don’t know too much about too much, but I will throw this out there: these ridiculous ass dna cash grab companies are no better than Cleo on the $5 a minute spiritual future hotline. I understand some people want to feel like they’re something exciting, so I will help out. You’re Chrissy from Cleveland, Steve from

Anything that pisses off Joe Buck is a good thing.

Joe Buck is a very public face of a corporation that is unabashedly working to destroy America. So, uh, fuck Joe Buck’s feelings about the national pastime.

Don’t blame the Morans. They are fine people from County Mayo and County Sligo. They may not know what fun baseball is but they love them some Gaelic football.

It really pissed off Joe Buck, though.

Nazi Lives Don’t Matter.

It’s so funny that people are under the impression that this is an attempt at persuasion. Nazis cannot be reasoned with. They can be initimidated. They can be terrorized. They can get their asses handed to them. Persuasion to a well reasoned point of view is off the table.

I appreciate your sentiment, as I was raised to love peace and promote it. However, my Godparents were chased out of their country by the original Nazis, literally, with dogs and everything. Some of my other family were not so lucky. They were starved, worked to death, and executed. My godfather was a member of the

Fuck that. We’re in this mess because these people are no longer afraid. Make them afraid

The goal is definitely to fuck up some Nazi’s. That’s what separates men like us from the likes of Ghandi and MLK, we just don’t have that kind of patience.

..... So you equate the hate the Right has towards people because of characteristics they were born or grew up with (religion, color of skin, poorness), with the hate I have towards someone WHO CHOOSES TO BECOME A FUCKING NAZI?

I dont care about converting a single Nazi. I care about murdering all of them. As does every single fellow Jew.

They’re supporting a movement that systematically murdered millions of little children. So knowing what happened and being anything other than horrified deserves a punch in the face.

Any time someone asks for sympathy for these murderers, I think of Janusz Korczak and the kind of evil it takes to march 200 orphans to

Punching Nazis is proven effective. Killing them is even more effective.