This is just a front for the massive amphetamine delivery.
So this fucking guy invited truckers and Mack executives to the White House to talk about healthcare. Because if anyone knows about healthcare it’s the guys who live off of truckstop potato skins, Mountain Dew, energy pills, 5 Hour Energy, and scour parking lots looking for a toothless Lot Lizard blowjob.
But he says what common people are thinking!*
Mike’s helmet is nicer.
Dodger all forms...are the most overrated ballpark food in the country. Fight me!
“How is constantly telling them how not to play the game not working to get kids interested in this game?!”
He’s getting up there in years. Probably convinced the wife that lights are better for him when she tried to make him quit.
I’m pretty sure he’s a Marlboro Red guy.
“How can we get kids interested in this thing?”
God DAMMIT! Leyland! Jimmy Fucking Leyland! A guy Ive loved since he showed up in Pittsburgh. A common guy who just happened to have the ability to manage in the majors. Crusty, but still likeable. And now? This. This fucking bullshit. Maybe....maybe theres hope, huh? Yeah? Maybe he was joking, or using it ironically,…
“I hope kids watching the WBC...”
Now son you see how Coach Leyland snuck behind the dugout to smoke? And see how deeply he inhales that Marlboro light? That’s how you do it!
Bet it’s not just fun they want American kids to grow up hating.
The most American thing about the WBC final is that the US wins regardless of the outcome.
How about the one where I fucked your mom in the ass while she screamed “Make my rectum great again!!!”
muy grave el recto
Can you imagine how many lifers are going to try to be the one to kill War Machine? Dude’s gonna need to be in protective custody until he’s 70.