
While I don’t think every marriage should dissolve because of an affair, this looks like one of those marriages that is being held together ‘for the kids’, not because they’ve worked through the issues surrounding the affair.

Listen, I too believe that cheating doesn’t have to mean breaking up, if you are committed to fixing the problem, anyone can get past it, though it fucking sucks. But leaving me on my fucking birthday to fuck your mistress is a dealbreaker for me. Right up there with impregnating someone else. Sorry, bye, gtfo.

seriously. if you’re bored in your marriage, maybe she is, too. maybe she would like other partners, too. and since he’s made it obvious that he’s going to step out whether she agrees to it or not, she also has the right to leave the marriage. he’s probably just afraid of losing all the things his wife does for him.

I’m all for this guy trying to have a better sex life, but at the expense of betraying his wife? “And ultimately the role we play together as parents feels more important than my splitting us up so that I can seek out potential pussy options.” - Shouldn’t his wife have some say in this? If he thinks it’s ok to step

Well, I know it’s going to be easy to criticize this guy and everything he did but, in fairness, I think he did a great job directing Argo.

Exactly. After a certain point, you get nothing done. The idea that your presence, whether it is sitting at your desk surfing Gawker or responding to a bullshit email at 11pm or sitting through an endless, aimless conference call, is more important than your actual work is the most corrosive thing in the white collar

Exactly. I don’t care how much you love your work. Your work doesn’t love you. If you can’t think of some things you’d rather be doing with your family and friends, you probably need therapy.

Fuck that. I just got promoted to manager, and I nevertheless plan on working 4o hours on the dot each week. A lot of older managers are in the habit of logging on in the evenings at my company, and I can tell you all that there is a 0% chance of me doing that. As soon as I do it, it will become the expectation. Nope.

Okay seriously I have been to Napa Valley and although I’ve never been on the wine train, literally every single place in Napa is white women getting drunk and being loud. Every where. Even French Laundry. And that place is hoity toity af.

Usually Bears don’t fuck up a pool until September.

Christ. Get that cat away from sociopathic teenagers before something awful happens...

If you think that post is full of serious anger, how the fuck do you internet?

I feel kind of bad for laughing at “YOU’RE BREAKING MY AAAAAAAAAAAAARM!!!” out from the hallway.

I asked my fiance this and she responded

This story gives me chills. It’s such a textbook example of a guy who can’t take no for an answer (much less take a hint, as so many women, unfortunately, prefer to give in the interest of “niceness”). So many of my girlfriends (and I) have horror stories about men like this. They are really scary. If dude reacted

THIS IS WHY WOMEN ARE AFRAID OF MEN. We get messages from men who think they deserve our time and a response just because they have a boner. When we politely decline, they lose their shit. When we ignore them, they lose their shit. When we tell them we have a boyfriend, they lose their shit. And then all of a sudden,

Dudes like this unnerve the hell out of me. It’s like a wall of “trying” that gets increasingly mean and frantic. They are like the velociraptors in the first Jurassic Park, just jumping on the electric fence, trying to find a weak spot. And they NEVER admit that they are the creepy, stalker assholes that they are. In

Can you imagine the perfect dramedy that would result if she and Clare were friends instead of romantic rivals and just sat around talking shit about everyone else? I would enjoy the hell out of that.

Wtf wrong with these people. YOU’RE ON A BEACH MOTHERFUCKERS. I don’t even think I could get upset about anything. But I suppose there’s lots of alcohol involved.

Ashley I. needs to go do a year abroad or something to help her grow up. She is a nightmare. She really carries on. What is she going to do in the real

Yes. Joe is a grade A dick for doing all that to Jonathan, especially to Jonathan because he didn’t go that far with Mikey. It just rubs me so wrong after everything he had been saying, I know these people are pushed by producers but if it smells like shit then it probably is shit. His douchebaggery is not the kind