
My dad used to joke when I had braces that all I needed in addition to those railroad tracks were glasses and then I would never find a husband.

Unpopular opinion time:

Johari, girl, you my hero.

Has there ever been any word on the condition of the dog that got bit? Given the size of the snake and the size of his other dog, I am assuming it died.

She lied as much as he did, and was not just willing but eager to make up shit on his behalf. At best she was an enabler, but more likely a co-conspirator.

I love the VS fashion show because it is the actual weirdest thing in America. It's just so goddamn bizarre. Years from now when our civilization is re-discovered, they will have nothing but questions.

Relationships are complicated. People are complicated. It’s easy to say Crudup is just a jerk but we don’t know what went down with their relationship.

Class fucking act. That’s not what I want from my celebrities! Now, where did I put Leah Remini’s memoir?

I mean, there are plenty of pictures of me from this era in full-Gilmore sartorial horror. Blame the age, not the costumers.

Ugh, I get that she was an amusing storyteller, but I don’t understand how anyone could read that story about violent sex trafficking and a mentally ill-person self-harming and attempting suicide and come away entertained. The whole thing was pretty fucking disturbing.

No one is winning right now. They’re just campaigning. I’m a Bernie fan and will vote for him in the primary. I hope I’ll get to vote for him in the general election. But if Hillary does win the primary, for the sake of all that is decent in this country, we need to support her. There is not one single republican

I served for 5 years. As a pretty white woman, I was fairly high up on the privilege ladder, as far as tips go, so if anyone would “lose” in this scenario, it would be someone like me. And I wholeheartedly support it - and did even when I was serving - because the patent unfairness of our tipping system is SO OBVIOUS

Ha! My dad died two weeks ago tomorrow, and somehow this tribute (?) to your dad touched me. Oh man, my emotions are such a jumbled mess right now.

“Can I buy that lipstick?” “Sure, I’ll put it on your bill”

I should start a makeup brand called “DuckFace".

I’d drink a lot too, if I had to spend that much time around Schaena.

I lost my uterus (I like to say “misplaced” b/c it gets good looks from people) a while back, and it’s a sucky thing to go through. Since I’m sure Kim K is scouring the Jez comments for advice, wink, here are some good things to focus on:
1. You’ll never have to buy tampons again, and you can re-purpose your existing

Now that I think about it. I should have been more naked in my 20s.

As someone who had parents who ‘only stayed for the kids’ despite abuse, rampant cheating, and a lot of passive-aggressive silences and also drag-out fights, spending the first 20 years of my and my brother’s lives hating each other, I’m a full advocate of throwing in the towel. Seeing one’s parents move on to

I love that you are covering both of these topics.