
Agreed. The true test of a comedy is if people still find it funny generations later. So much comedy is circumstastial and just doesn’t stand up to cultural shifts. The other 6 movies are still funny to younger generations, but Young Frankenstein is just not funny to most young people I know.

“Vattene!” is good, too.

Yes. This is true. Take no bullshit. Italian women do not. The harrassers are betting on you feeling unsure of how to react. I found just ignoring the hell out of most men worked pretty well- any response is seen as a challenge. A good phrase is “Lascimi in pace!” (la-she-me in pa-chay) which means “Leave me in

Also, Roman food includes fried snacks which are delicious! You can get them at pizza places and some restaurants. Pizza a taglio (slice places) are great for trying a variety of interesting toppings and fried snacks. My favorite snacks are suppli (fried oblong things of tomato rice with melted mozzerella) and olive

If you buy anything from an open air market (other than produce) be sure to check that you were actually given the item you bought BEFORE you walk away. If the person protests, they are likely trying to rip you off. I have known more than one person who was given a box of salt instead of whatever they thought they

Maybe it makes her feel like a good mother?

Welch has been indicted. His uncle is “a person of interest”. So it seems that the authorities are determining if the uncle was involved- but they definitely think Welch was involved with the murder. Welch’s cousin testified in the grand jury hearing that he helped Welch burn two duffle bags that weighed about 60 lbs

The uncle is still alive- in his 80s. They could have been in on it together or it could be BS. Either way Welch seems to definitely have been involved.

Wait, wait, wait- are heels in the freezer a thing? Is this some rad beauty tip to make wearing high heels bearable?!

It’s a very high end restaurant in NYC. The menu is prix fixe and $310 per head (food only). Most people I know who have gone have spent between $800 and $1200 for 2 people (including liquor).

Working in service/retail will also teach them to value other people’s work and dignity.

Wouldn’t the fact that Insidious 3 is not an animation clue the parents in on the wrong movie being shown?

Being a Native Californian, I also thought they really showed the true ugly side of California. People have these ridiculously starry-eyed views of California and seem to overlook all the seedy despair that is right under your nose. The drugs, the cults, the crime, the exploitation- California is full of broken dreams

Dude- check out tenoverten if you are in NYC. It’s a really chill experience and the salons are really nice. There are a few in Manhattan. They are an ethical company and pay their workers well. Also, you can make an appointment online and pay with a credit card. They often have wine or arnold palmers or some other

As a women who played sports through high school, I can tell you that refs and umpires let girls get away with so much brutality because they don’t believe it to be serious. I have heard more than one ref say after witnessing a punch being thrown, “They are just girls and can’t really hurt each other.” So I’ve been in

Yeah- associating Farrah Fawcett with Woodstock was interesting.

I’ve known a number of trust fund babies who INSIST they pay for everything themselves- and they pay for everything with their trustfunds.

Some people believe the moon landing was all a Hollywood production shot on a sound stage that the government faked.

WTF?! Wanting to humiliate someone is a form of rage and rage should not be the motivating emotion when disciplining a child. Abusers love to rage at their victims. Awful.

Everything is too dark. Also, due to all the characters and plot lines, it’s hard for the viewer to immediately recognize where we are at any giving point in the story. It was definitely clumsily executed which is too bad because it can be a very powerful editing device for revealing unknown motives.