
I think you should say some more here—such a brilliantly-worded riposte clearly deserves more of an in-depth response.

Was anyone else supremely uncomfortable/disgusted with the Joe and Jonathon scene in the bathroom? Maybe it was exacerbated by Joe’s southern accent, but comparing their situation to one between Jonathon and his son was so demeaning and infantilizing, I felt like I was watching nearly everything that's wrong with

The cover is beautiful, but this image is Huge props to her for speaking honestly about the sport and the things she’s endured. And good for the writer for calling out all the coded language in use around the Williams sisters. Plus, Serena was great in “7 Days of Hell.” Love her!

lol fuck off with this. there’s nothing wrong with having a nanny. there are shitty parents with nannies and shitty parents without nannies. this is malarkey.

I always liked the simple elegance of “smetti là!”

Trastevere and Monti in Rome.

Personally I can’t talk about a few of my exes. Because when you invoke the name of a demon they tend to materialize out of thin air.

If you don’t want people commenting on something, then don’t post it across a network of websites whose business model is premised on an active and often inflammatory comments section. Since when is Gawker Media or Kinja about what is wanted, needed, or pertinent? I don’t care about Albert Burneko’s family any more or

Maybe that's true for some people, but I don't think you can generalize based on age like that. I met my husband a couple months after I turned 31, and I had been living alone for five years before I met him. Yet, moving in together and fully morphing into one of those lovey-dovey couples who never a gets tired of

MADELEINE, DID YOU EVEN SEE SYDNEY LEROUX’S MASTERFUL CONTOURING?? As if there weren’t already enough reasons to be totally in love with the US women’s soccer team.

“Be nice to your bitches when they bleeding” needs to be the national motto.

I think this is all a lesson in not giving your kids stupid names.

I have found a reply (stole it from Miss Manners, actually) that works stunningly well on the majority of these people:

Best case scenario: those duffel bags are full of dead squirrels. Absolute best case. You STILL can't ignore that shit.

So your creepy carnie cousin asks you to help him move and burn “two duffel bags, each weighing about 60 or 70 pounds, that had red stains and an odor of decay” and you only remember to tell the police about it 40 years later? Perhaps Henry Parker should be charged for aiding and abetting.

Yeah! I think, with kids, it can be important to remember that they’re not fully mature yet and, in a lot of circumstances, you might want to focus more on rehabilitative measures than you would with adults. But you can do that without dismissing the serious threat they’re posing.

I hate all these celebrity paternity stories (this one, the constant rumors about Khloe Kardashian, etc.). Regardless of the DNA test, Bill Clinton is her father. That’s how parenthood works. Biological origins are useful for medical histories, and that’s about it; they are certainly of no use to the public. All of

“We live in America. Many African American men are detained &/or imprisoned for crimes without evidence. I will never jump on bandwagons.”

Testimony is considered evidence Jill. And this was a whole fuckload of testimony and witness statements.

I’m sorry, but I have a kid, and there is no way in hell I would bring him to a wedding. He can’t even sit still for five minutes. I would not expect my child to be invited to any event unless it specifically said children welcome. However, I understand that a lot of people assume weddings are family affairs, so I