
So in NYC I have met a number of young artists who come from wealthy families and their families pay for their apartments. I just sort of assume that that's what's up on these shows. Also, I have a had a couple of roommates who spend like they have a lot of money and then later came to find out they have $10K in

An article in The Christian Science Monitor argued that groups like ISIS have been successful in recruiting young people from Western countries "who are disillusioned and have no sense of purpose or belonging" through an "appeal to sense of identity and place." The article compared ISIS to youth or criminal gangs

Teenagers are always on the search for an identity that means something and want to belong to something important. If you think about how teenagers generally cultivate a disdain for anything the adults in their life value, you can see how the are ripe for the picking by a group who can give meaning to their lives

From a distance it's fun. Being in the middle of it is not. Unfortunately, none of my group of friends talk to her anymore because 1) the drama and 2) she's so self-centered and never gives a fuck about anyone else but herself so she's just a bad friend.So now I don't get to hear about her latest ridiculous stunts

Totally. I'm pretty sure what makes my ex-friend think all these men are her soulmates is that they are all into her. She has said some super shitty things about these "soulmates", too- things like, "Oh I wish I could put [fiancé] on hold and date around more and then marry him in a few years." She cheated on that

Yes, definitely.

I mean, I don't think people should be embarrassed about divorce- some relationships don't work out and it's wonderful that people can get divorced instead of remaining in a miserable marriage. It's more that every single person she describes as her soulmate until she meets a new man and declares him her "real"

It's rich that any famous musician would talk about needing to take a shower because of his ex-girlfriend.

The drama is only fun at a distance. Now, when I hear about stuff through the grapevine it's entertaining. But being dragged into the middle of it is no fun. Also, she never thinks her actions are hurtful or irresponsible. She has literally cheated on every single man she has dated and she always says it's because she

Acknowledging problems and wanting them fixed is not the same thing as thinking America is 100% fucked up.

I really prefer makeup brands that don't approach any of my features as flaws to be fixed. I have very fair skin and I can't tell you how many makeup artists have acted like that's a huge problem. It would be one thing if I went in and said, "I hate how fair I a- help me look tan." but I've never actually mentioned it

Sorry Fox News: America was not and is not 100% awesome 100% of the time. Lots of fucked up things in our history. Learning actual, factual history doesn't mean you can't be proud to be American but it does mean you usually aren't easily influenced by jingoism BS.

I've only ever had terrible experiences at MAC stores and I have lived in NYC and San Francisco. I don't know if it's because those MUAs thought they were too good to be working at a makeup counter or what, but it was nothing but condescension and annoyance at helping me. Where as I've had mixed experience at Sephora

I've only ever had bad experiences at MAC stores. I went in once looking for a red lipstick and the makeup artist told me I was "too pale" to wear red but he guessed he could "try". He acted so fucking put out to try out a couple of colors on me. I left without buying anything because he was such an asshole. In

The high end brands at high end department stores usually have a resident makeup artist who you can make an appointment with and they will do a complete look for you. Some of them require you buy $X worth of product others don't. But with brands like Bobbi Brown or Laura Mercier you can hit those spending minimums

I had a friend who has been proposed to by every single boyfriend she's ever had. She's been married 3 times and is 35. She's attractive and interesting but not anymore than any of my other friends. I'm pretty convinced she has a personality disorder and the reason why so many dudes think she's the one is because she

I think if someone puts you in the awkward position of a public proposal and you want to say no, DO NOT SPARE HIS FEELINGS. Say "no" in front of everyone. Come on! He's proposing in public to bully you into it! Especially, if the proposal comes out of left field. On the jumbotron.

The whole point of Goldie's statement is that they did in fact ask for more money because they knew what they were worth and that was used as the reason for not funding the sequel. Basically, if you're a woman you're screwed either way.

I think the problem is you're looking for a nuanced view of individuals and mental illness as well as an understanding of legal culpability- and most people lack any understanding of any or all of those topics. Anyway, I agree with all you've said. I would like our legal and mental health systems to be operated in a

I'm saying that when we say a woman wearing pasties isn't naked we are splitting hairs. Every single person on the Bachelor signed up to have their sexual displays and bodies sold, edited, and distributed for entertainment.