
Her mom, Melanie Griffith, survived a similar bad career move (Body Double). Sometimes all you need is a new agent.

Once she sells the rights she doesn't have the same say. Her obligation to her readers would be finding a good film producer and director who understand her vision and selling the rights to them. Or making it with her own money. Once she sells the rights for the film though, her decision making rights are greatly


I think one of the things that James (and many writers and audience members) fails to understand is that the book is really source material for the film. The film cannot and will not be the book. It is its own thing. While it may resemble the original work, it will be different since it is a completely different

There's nothing wrong with those films- they're just nothing like the topics in 50 Shades of Grey. Also, I could see how it would be frustrating for a director to have someone with limited film making knowledge constantly challenging all your decisions. The director is the captain of the ship- and if they hired this

Most of the buyers of these high end apartments in NYC will likely never live in the apartments. It's mostly very wealthy foreigners using the real estate as a savings account and tax dodge. So they don't really care about practicalities. Here's an article about a Russian billionaire who bought an $80 million pied a

My father's family has been similar. They haven't cut me off but they still invite him to every event even though they think he's a terrible human being- all to keep the peace. Only it doesn't keep the peace because he starts shit with so many different people. Some of them understand why I just opt out of family

I feel like no matter what your relationship was like with a parent, you will always have unresolved feelings of loss once s/he dies. It's just it what it is. My grandmother keeps trying to convince me that I should have a relationship with my dad so I won't "regret" anything. It's a bunch of bullshit emotional

I feel sorry for him in an academic way, if that makes sense? It's sad to be a person so miserable and angry that you actively destroy all your relationships. He is incapable of being happy even though he chases "happiness" in really destructive ways. I felt a lot of guilt and shame initially but therapy really helped

Exactly. It's not like I don't have other people in my life who don't have issues but unlike my father, my feelings matter to them and they want us to have a good relationship. My father only ever cares about his happiness and thinks he's entitled to do whatever he wants no matter how harmful his actions may be to

I don't think it matters why someone gaslights you- the effect is harmful regardless.

I have found that the only people I can really talk to about my cutting my dad out of my life are other people with very dysfunctional family members. Whether or not they have cut off contact doesn't matter- they totally understand that it's heart-wrenching and a decision made fore self-preservation.

This woman reminds me of my father. I've explained to him over and over again why I have a problem with him (he's an angry person who acts like a psycho) but he's decided that it's entirely something else that's just so silly and geeze, why can't I just get over it?! And he's convinced my grandmother (his mom) that

I believe the term is "emotional incest" and it's just as gross and terrible as it sounds.

Oh, right. Brain fart. I just tend to conflate them. Oops. But I thought the amount of residuals actors received was in part based on their points negotiated?

Boyhood is a unique case but even if they didn't have long-term contracts, I'm sure some stuff was worked out ahead of time- I mean, these actors do have agents who get 10% of whatever their clients earn. Also, for each part of the shoot there would have had to been some sort of contract- they'd have to fill out W2s,

Salaries are set during a negotiation between the actor's agent and the studio/executive producer. Often other perks are negotiated, too, outside of money such as private trainers.

They will sometimes work for scale. However, they can also negotiate for points in their contracts which are a percentage of the profits (residuals). So sometimes they will earn more if the indie movie hits it big. And keep in mind, even if they are taking union scale, they have their meals paid for by the production,

Oops. Double post.