Merkins are fake pubic hair "toupes" that actresses sometimes wear to pretend that their character has pubic hair when the actress does not. What I'm talking about are fabric underwear that resemble thongs and are flesh colored.
Merkins are fake pubic hair "toupes" that actresses sometimes wear to pretend that their character has pubic hair when the actress does not. What I'm talking about are fabric underwear that resemble thongs and are flesh colored.
Things like cellulite and stretch marks are VFXed out all the time (which is it's own issue worth discussing) so I highly doubt that it what the producer is referring to. Likely, she's talking about staring at the actress' vulva for several hours while they shot.
She's referring to something like a thong that would be used to cover genitalia so that 1) it's not visible on camera and 2) so that their coworkers don't have to come into direct contact with her genitalia. In post production, they would edit out any visible "panty lines" via VFX. Basically, the producer is saying…
Any part of the thong that can be scene on camera gets edited out via VFX in post production. So the pads were likely visible during shooting and digitally removed after.
No- it's so the actors don't have to actually touch each other's genitalia. It's to protect them. Any part of the thong that can be scene on camera gets edited out via VFX in post production.
When actors do sex scenes, wardrobe provides them with special thongs and "socks" to cover genitalia. They might be faking sex but as coworkers most of them do not want to actually touch and rub each other's genitalia. So the contraption Williams describes is meant to put a barrier between her butt and her costar's…
It's standard for film composers (such as Elfman) to name score themes after either a line of dialogue or a scene title. So most likely "Did That Hurt?" is a line in the scene that the score was made for and is an easy way to distinguish/remember which piece of music is for which scene. Because otherwise they have…
Right? I think being able to opt in to have just a zit removed that appeared overnight or something in that vein would be great for teenagers to have that option. But that is VERY different than recontouring someone's skin, slimming them down, etc.
Some people experience pain but a lot of that probably has to do with being nervous and having tight muscles OR if there is an actual medical issue. I have never experienced any pain at the gynecologist and I have been going since I was a virgin and 17 (I'm in my mid-30s now). It can be a little uncomfortable because…
This is a really helpful explanation. Thank you.
But we need to not give merit to people who focus on this. Dickinson did a ton of drugs and likely has underlying mental health issues that were exacerbated or caused by past trauma- such as her rape- so her erratic behavior makes sense to me and is not something I find important in regards to her sexual assault…
Dickinson is a complicated victim, that is true. But what you are saying is that rape victims have to behave in specific ways in order to be believable and that is really fucked up especially when you consider that most rape victims are held to impossibly high standards of behavior in general. We need to get away from…
It means "that ho over there". It's stupid and insulting.
Vitamin D3 is supposed to help a bit with SAD (seasonal affective disorder - aka the Winter Blues). Any medication takes time to work whether it's OTC or prescribed. If you are feeling suicidal please talk to someone ASAP: They will be able to help you get through an acute…
I'm not a lawyer but my lawyer friends have very clearly explained this multiple times: if the local state law where the recording was made only requires one person in the conversation to be aware of the recording then the recording is legal. Whether or not it can be used as evidence is a whole other kettle of fish…
Well, he was talking to a female adult and he clearly does not respect women or girls in general. I wonder if he would have said the same thing to a father?
Well I was told yesterday that we can't expect teenagers to be decent human beings to victims in the face of a crisis, because what about their feelings and needs? So I'm going to keep praising the decent behavior and shaming the terrible behavior.
His parents probably deserve praise, too, for raising a boy who understood that his friend raped a girl and that it was not OK and should not be swept under the rug. That the victim deserved better than that.
Your psychoanalysis here is ridiculous. Plenty of rational people are horrible people. Just because it is rational to put our own self-interests above others' doesn't mean it is ethical or moral or right. Yes, none of us can know how we will respond in a crisis but that doesn't absolve us of the responsibility to act…
Exactly. I'm all for looking at cultural influences and context to understand how things happen and why people make the choices they do but understanding something doesn't mean that people should never be held accountable. Personally, I'm saving my compassion and understanding for Jackie and other rape victims who…