
I agree that so many wedding cakes are a huge disappointment. But some are good!

You'll be surprised by what "wrongs" you'll end up committing. Weddings dredge up a lot of weird baggage for people and they think their issues are everybody's issues. The best phrase to respond to crazy requests is "Hmmm. Let me get back to you about that." And then figure out how to politely put the kibosh on the

HOW COULD YOU?! I would NEVER say suck a thing!

I'm from a huge family, too, and I have decided not to invite a lot of extended family. If I were to include all of them 100 people at the wedding would be just my relatives. And half these people make no effort to keep in touch with me, which is fine because we all have busy lives. But I refuse to not invite a close

The thing is you shouldn't have to justify yourself anyway unless the only kid you were excluding was that brat. It's reasonable to have adult-only events. It's unreasonable as a guest to think people should throw the party you would prefer. I mean, I think it's perfectly OK to ask the bride and group for help in

A lot of people don't seem to recognize that there are a fair number of demanding guests with conflicting needs bugging the shit out of the couple. At some point a bride has to put her foot down and say, "Hey, we're not giving into this demand that may cause a lot of issues for other guests. You are not the only

Oh yeah. It's an important lesson to learn in life that no one cares about you as much as you. It's a good way to get over narcissistic tendencies.

Well that's just bad etiquette! I can't (I mean I can) believe people use "Family" and then text you- sorry no kids! That's terrible.

Suckers (or equally awful people) are born every minute.

Right? And don't some of these parents want a little adult time where they can drink and talk to adults and not be constantly supervising a young child?!

I think your situation is a bit different though- you were trying to find fair and reasonable ways to limit your numbers. The bride in the article sounds like she's been keeping a tab on all her friends missteps just so she can get back at them later.

True. I'm just saying if her "friends" fall into her categories, they likely don't want to attend her wedding anyway.

Oh of course there are unreasonable brides. I'm just saying that often the brides get blamed for every issue a guest has even if the bride had nothing to do with it. I've seen people continue to blame the bride even when the groom stepped up and acknowledged that the problem was caused by HIS decision.

I don't. I find most brides to be quite reasonable. Brides actually get unfairly dumped on a lot in the wedding planning process. The bride in this article, however, sounds like a peach.

I know! I love friends who keep a running tab of everything and expect tit for tat!

This bride is delusional if she thinks any of these friends give a shit in the first place.

I have found that in the RARE circumstance that someone with BPD admits to wrong-doing it's only because s/he thinks s/he can manipulate you by doing so. And as soon as you hold them to account they will suddenly deny whatever it was they admitted to. The gaslighting in many ways is very difficult to deal with because

Got it.

I think professional body builders use them before competitions so you can probably find them through a body building site.

Sorry, what? I don't understand.