
Myself and others have talked about our parents having BPD, a child cannot just leave her parent. I had to live with the abuse my entire childhood. Extricating myself as an adult lead to MORE abuse. I no longer talk to my parent, I did leave. He still tries to mess with my life. It doesn't matter that he processes

That is some epic victim blaming. Having a personality disorder does not make someone less responsible for their actions. It may allow for people to better understand the behavior but the individual is still totally responsible for victimizing others. Myself and others in this thread also have personal experience but

My only interpretation of Mark's comment is that it's pretty common for people with BPD to end up in relationships with Narcissists. Also, they have an unstable sense of self so when they first begin a relationship they go through an idealization phase and "mirror" or rather become whatever their partner wants them to

My experience has been pretty similar. It's galling to see people on here claiming that it is rare for people with BPD to commit abuse. Psychologists would totally disagree. Also, the minimizing of manipulation is ridiculous. Healthy people don't think manipulating their loved ones is normal and acceptable.

Oh I don't do that myself. There are VFX companies that specialize in it that we higher as vendors. Considering it's 24 frames per second it sound like a tortuous job to me.

If you are seeking out help and acknowledge that you need to work on yourself, you are doing really well. One of the problems with dealing with people with Borderline Personality Disorder is that many won't seek treatment which often means they get worse over time instead of better. Take heart that you are trying to

Yes. A lot of them are actually quite small (not just thin, but all around petite- women and men) in real life which actually makes them look better on camera than a fit and thin bigger person. Also, the young dudes who are super ripped often have to be given 24 hours notice before shooting a topless scene so that

And professional makeup artists and lighting techs and costumers, etc. And we even do VFX corrections in post to erase wrinkles, under eye circles, slim legs, etc on top of all of that. I work in entertainment and spend most of my day staring at these actors on screen. Most of them do not look like their on camera

Are you a psychologist? Or is your study just a hobby? Because you seem to assume a lot here.

Mark made a weird mental leap by saying the woman in the article could suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder - there's really nothing in that article that leads to that conclusion. However, it is patently ridiculous to say the people with BPD are more likely to self harm than harm others. If you go to any site

Me, too. I think it's important to stop and think whether I'm actually upset or hungry because usually I'm just hungry.

This depends on your definition of "fight". A fight to me means an angry disagreement. So no, I rarely fight with my S.O. Most of our disagreements are easily resolved because usually it's just miscommunication or we're hungry. Sometimes our disagreements are raised to a level of annoyance but never hostility. So this

Yes. My parents fought all the time and had a very UNhealthy marriage. Fighting a lot does not necessarily mean a couple is resolving conflict. And really most conflict shouldn't be raised to the level of fighting. Healthy relationships learn how to disagree without disrespecting each other.

That's why I suggested she ask what reporting to the campus police means. Some universities campus police are the local police for the school. It's important to know if they are rent a cops or real cops.

Ask what happens when a student reports a rape to the school? Do campus police get called? If so, what does that mean in terms of filing a report with the local PD? Ask the PD what the consent laws are (because this is a good way to get their views on consent). Ask what do they advise someone to do if they think they

Squirrels like pigeons are basically rats in disguise.

She clearly does not ride public transit often. Any regular NY MTA commuter would never do this due to the knowledge of what is likely on those floors.

Yep. The French rats actually look furry, whereas NYC rats look like they were dipped in oil, polution, and disease.

NYC rats earn their garbage! French rats are lazy commies living on handouts!

Those French rats look way healthier than any NYC rat that I've seen.