
I am a daydreamer. I love to just sit around with my own thoughts. Sometimes that can be bad for my mood if I'm experiencing a lot of stress, but I also have found that sometimes it is cathartic to really think and feel those things.

I have no idea about Silver Springs. I just have been to most of those California cities and know that they aren't affluent. The problem with this infographic is that it gives no context as to why women are paid more in these cities- and what does being paid more mean? Women being paid more in places that are affluent

Going off somewhat dated knowledge, those California cities listed are fairly economically depressed and have high crime rates. It definitely does not seem like women are making more money in those cities because they are doing well.

Good to know!

My doctor didn't recommend IUDs if you are planning to have kids within 5 years not because of fertility issues but because it can take 3 to 4 months for the severe cramping to stop (which has been true amongst my friends who have gotten an IUD) after insertion. So if you are like me between expense, time, and

The risk isn't the probability of contracting an STI. The risk of getting an STI with an IUD in is that you run a higher risk of pelvic inflammatory disease as a result.

My issue and why I'm delaying it is because my partner and I are likely to start having kids in the next two years so it's not really worth the expense or the insertion only to have it taken out in a year and a half. My OBGYN is actually really great about discussing options and bringing up different ways of going

It's not that IUDs increase contraction risks but that if you have more partners you run a higher risk of being exposed to an STI. The reason why this is an issue is because getting an STI with an IUD can cause severe complications and major health risks.


My doc said the same thing, which makes sense. I have also heard from friends that their docs did not recommend IUDs for people who were not in monogamous relationships because there are risks with contracting some common STIs such as gonorrhea. I plan on getting an IUD after I have kids in the next few years. I'm so

This definition makes much more sense than this article. I feel like Erin just described yuppie white women in various cities.

So like the women who wear very large and obviously fake diamond earrings (not meant to be seen as costume jewelry but passing for real)?

Well I used the word "aping" which from the dictionary means "to copy closely but often clumsily and ineptly."

He's aping Maplethorpe who did all of this in the 70s. Richardson is the son of a big fashion photog so basically he got his creepy career through nepotism.

CHOLULA. Always, and forever.

Furthermore, if you get whopping cough and survive it you don't gain immunity to it. You can get it again! So the stupid idea that getting a dangerous yet preventable disease helps your immune system is false as far as whooping cough goes.

Oh I got this from a GTer. I just thought it really summed up the ridiculousness of how shamefully anti-vaxxers think. Anyway, yes, I agree.

Yeah, I think we need to focus on shaming anti-vaxxers and stop trying to reason with the them since science and facts don't mean anything to those fools.

Because anti-vaxxer idiots think getting measles or whooping cough isn't that dangerous and actually good for their kids' immune system. They are seriously deranged.

You should point this out to your boss: