
I have never split groceries with a roommate mostly because we had different eating habits. I never minded if they needed to use something as long as they asked or replaced the item. As for living with my S.O., I do most of the grocery shopping but we split the bill 50/50. Even though he eats more than I do, I tend to

Right?! It's because the disciplinary boards are meant to deal with minor vandalism, repeated noise violations, academic dishonesty, underage drinking, etc. and NOT felony violent assaults like rape. But the schools have routed dealing with violent criminals onto these student disciplinary boards anyway.

There are some good reasons for this - do you really want students getting arrested for underage drinking and getting a criminal record over it? It does afford some good discretion that benefits the students. Also, the campus police have better knowledge of the grounds and dorms. My college had one address but many

All 911 calls at my campus were routed through the campus police and not the local town's police. From what I hear this is pretty common. Also, when that happens an admin is notified that a violent criminal act has been reported. Usually, it's at the school's discretion to involve the local police.

From talking to college rape victims a lot of schools actively discourage reporting to the police. They put it terms of that going through a criminal investigation and possible trial will be very difficult. I don't really think the schools are doing this for the victim's sake but for their own.

Uhh, I don't know why you are telling me to cut her some slack. I wasn't mocking her - I was stating that it's strange that she seems so insulated from the effects of discrimination. Yes, that genocide happened a century ago but every Armenian I've ever met knows about it and talks about (and there is a large Armenian

It's particularly interesting that as an Armenian American (which she talks about a lot in regards to her body) Kim didn't know that discrimination impacted people. I mean, Armenians suffered a major ethnic cleansing and that genocide is likely what brought her Armenian family to the US in the first place.

Yeah, I remember that, too, and I don't think it's changed much - a lot of parents I know don't feel comfortable having teenage boys babysit their kids. And it's not because they don't think boys can be nurturing.

So the cover is quite nice but I wish they had put Biggs on the insert and elevated any of those actresses to the front cover over him. If they wanted a man, Pablo Schreiber (Pornstache) would have been better.

And my point is that that could change at any moment because the TSA agents who allow this are breaking the law and could be disciplined or fired for doing so. They aren't subject to the state laws as TSA agents, they are subject to federal statutes. Just because some individuals decide to turn a blind eye doesn't

It wouldn't matter where she thought she was because the FAA and TSA are federal and weed is illegal federally.

They won't laugh you right out of the store. The thing to do is go straight to the cash register and politely ask to speak with a manager. Explain that a hole a developed after your second wear and that you wanted to get it replaced but they no longer carry the item. Then ask for a store credit since the item was so

Yeah, I've taken stuff like this back. The manager can usually tell if it's been barely worn. Usually, they just give you a new version of the item but if they don't carry it anymore they might give you a store credit. If you still have the receipt that might help, too.

See I can't do that because I just feel like I'm sweating while in the shower.

Hey now, cold showers are a godsend when it's 90° and humid out.

Yeah, I hate waking up early to exercise before work (same problem as you - it's hard to work out after work when work ends at 9 PM) but I feel so much better on the days that I do.

I love that they seem to really enjoy hanging out with each other.

I think she's his ex. His wife is suing her because Sterling spent a lot of money on her. It would seem that Sterling would stop that from happening if they were still dating.

Yep, it most certainly can. And in some places if a kid happens to be near by you can also be charged with exposing yourself to a minor.