
I went to an Episcopalian school. It's why I'm always shocked that even public schools in other parts of the country are so conservative when religious schools in the Bay Area are more liberal than them. But yes, learning the mechanics at that age blew my mind.

Yes, I totally agree with this.

My religious school (granted it's in the S.F. Bay Area) taught sex ed to us in the 5th grade. Mostly it was the science and mechanics of it. They taught it again in the 8th grade adding in things about STDs and other info. But even in the 5th grade one we were told that sex was a wonderful and enjoyable thing between

Considering that not that long ago kids were exposed to sex at quite a young age because people were too poor to have separate bedrooms, all the hand wringing seems sort of ridiculous. Part of me feels like kids don't need to hear about the physical pleasures of sex but at the same time, I'm sex positive and feel like

Yea, my BF doesn't say that eyeliner makes me look pretty, he thinks it makes me look cool. I think he just enjoys the change-up.

BB creams are a sort of "all-in-one" face make-up. They are lighter than a foundation but provide better coverage than a tinted moisturizer. They also have a skin treatment (like anti-wrinkle and spot correcter), SPF and a moisturizer. I use a Bobbi Brown one and I have to say whenever I wear it people always tell me

I don't really care what men in general think about me wearing or not wearing makeup. I do care what my BF thinks a bit. Like he doesn't like bright lipstick colors too much so I don't wear them too often, but he does like my red lipstick. I think most women don't care what men think about their makeup, women care

Hah! My BF notices when I wear eyeliner and really likes it, too. I only do it if I'm getting dressed-up. Eyeliner really does make me look more glam. Even my male coworkers notice it when I wear it (usually I put it on right before I leave work to go out somewhere) and like it. To work I usually just wear mascara, a

It's both inauthentic and incorrect practice. In Buddhist practices you often are supposed to do specific things while also being fully present as you do them. If you are having "tantric" sex with someone because it's a new and interesting thing to do then you are not having tantric sex. If you are having tantric sex

Well, a lot of Westerners talk about how they practice "tantric" sex and that it can result a long intense orgasm that can last for a few hours. I guess it depends on how one interprets the physical feelings, but I don't think they are talking about ejaculating for a sustained period, just that tingly feeling that one

According to the lama if you aren't practicing tantric sex as a form of practicing Buddhism then you aren't actually doing tantric sex. The Western reappropriated version is just some form of slow sex but not tantric. It's like if you sing a song it's not a tantric practice. But if you sing a tantric chant you are

I love Diane Keaton. She seems like a hoot.

My problem is with the pantyhose-like seem in the sheer panel - it makes her leg look weird.

Some people feel that way. I thought sex on MDMA felt more like a really intense and good massage. It's emotionally intense but I didn't find it that amazing. I've had much more mind blowing sex while sober.

I get why it would work to do it vaginally, I just don't see any benefits. Until today I had no idea that people experienced any stomach issues with either acid or E, so yeah I could see wanting to avoid that. But just eat some food with the drugs instead of putting it up your vagina!

Oh yeah, I've heard that, too. They are funny terms that I guess the kids don't use anymore?

MDMA makes you euphoric. Also, it dramatically increases pleasure sensations around touch. So a soft sweater feels like the softest thing you have ever felt in your entire life. A massage feels like the most amazing massage you've ever had. It makes music feel good on a physical level - like the bass vibrates through

The mud is alright. But it does slow you down. I just can't keep up with all the new fangled ways to do drugs!

Nevermind. Stick in the mud. I get it. Hah. Yeah, I'm old now, it's true.

These ladies do not sound like they "never got the chance". They sound like people I went to college with who never grew out of their druggie lifestyles and still do this shit every full moon. Drugs aren't that interesting. It's more the social experience with your friends. I feel like if you made it out of your early