
Same. Youth's ability to recover quickly lends itself to drug experimentation. I no longer have the time or energy to kill a weekend with heavy drug use and recovery. Fancy wine and beer is so much better!

Maybe it's the binders in the pills that make people sick and not the drug? Like how multivitamins make me feel like I'm going to die for about 20 minutes.

I'm all done with my drug experimentation now. I think MDMA killed too many brain cells and I'm worried about acute depression from it as I get older (that's the neuroscience community's theory of what's going to happen to all the Gen Xers who raved - their 50s will be horrifically depressed from fucked up brain

Candy flipping is taking LSD and MDMA at the same time. At least that's what we called it in the 90s. Flower flipping is shrooms and MDMA.

Really? I have never experienced those symptoms from lsd or mdma. Shrooms sure, but the other two have never made me feel physically bad. And I don't know anyone who has either.

When I candy flipped about 13 years ago, it was one of the most intense experiences I have ever had (I also was old fashioned and ingested everything orally). I remember thinking to myself as the drugs started to hit "Oh fuck. I can't believe I did this to myself. I'm going to be fucked for at least 12 hours." Then I

Yeah, when one woman's husband was mentioned I thought to myself, how old are they?! I can see some 20 year olds doing it in college because they've got the time and all, but full-fledged adults?

Oh. Kids these days.

Candy flipping is the craziest trip! It is intense. I don't understand why they wanted to ingest everything vaginally. Maybe they were trying to prevent stomach acid degradation to the drugs?

That might be what it's morphed into but originally red heads were seen as evil across many cultures. In the Middle Ages people thought that having red hair meant they were a witch, vampire or werewolf. The red hair was a sign of evil or Satan. Red headed women were seen as lacivious - Mary Magdalane is often depicted

Yes! Lot's of Italians have red hair or redish undertones. And MANY Italian women die their hair red. I was born with redish black hair, turned blond and am now a dark blond. If the light catches my hair right, you can see the red in my darker hair. I'm half Italian and half WASP.

Historically, redheads were seen as "touched by the Devil" and were considered to be no good because of that. Cultural views die hard so it's likely that while people know a devil hasn't possessed a redhead, they still see red hair as something negative.

I wore bikinis as a kid. I wore one pieces from middle school through high school mostly because I was very shy about my body. In college and now (in my 30s) I wear bikins or one-pieces, whatever I feel like. I grew up in hippy Northern California so I also ran around naked a lot as a kid at the beach (and I still do

My friend who studied abroad in Madrid said that people dress for the season (not the weather). For example, if they get a heat wave in February women still wear their fur coats because it's Winter! Maybe see if you can get Spanish Vogue or some other Spanish fashion magazine and see what's in?

I think you should have a chat with the nutritionist. You can put it in terms that girl is overly concerned about her body and you are worried about disordered eating habits forming and that you just want to give the nutritionist a heads up.

I'm not that bad! It doesn't take me two months - just 3 days of adding and subtracting. But I am a really light packer, so that's my end goal.

Egad! Her mother sounds like a huge part of the problem! Way to give your kid anxiety about her body lady. Anyway, How was she referred to you? Is there someone else you can bring into the conversation? What about the girl's dad? Have you asked why the girl is afraid of her muscles getting bigger? Maybe exploring why

I find it really helpful to make a packing list a couple of weeks ahead of time with everything I think I will need (down to all my individual toiletries and jewelry) or want to bring on my trip. Then I slowly refine it over the coming days (which usually means I drop a lot of stuff on the list). Then laying

I think you should think of directness as a type of intimacy. You earn the right to be direct with someone (unless of course you are asserting/protecting yourself). Does that make sense? If you don't know someone well, they may take directness as pushy or too assuming. Also, a lot of people complain or talk about

I think you need to gauge how well you know the person and the setting that you are in when you are about to be very direct. If someone is a close friend and you are alone or with mutual good friends, I think it's OK and mostly good to be direct. If you don't know someone well or your friend doesn't really know the