
But according to some articles (see my 2nd reply to For Sweden's reply to me), the state and local law enforcement do not have jurisdiction - it's just the Feds that have jurisdiction. And in many cases the Feds opt not prosecute these cases. So I think that's where the "assault with impunity" is coming from.

Yes, at my 10 year college reunion half of the people who married S.O.s from college had gotten divorced. A lot of people I knew who did this forgot that college isn't the real world. Most students aren't paying all their own bills or dealing with career stress. When a couple gets out of college and has to deal with

OK, we're both wrong and right: according to this article : the Feds have jurisdiction but not state or local. And often the federal offices are far away from the victims, or are too taxed (or disinterested)

Actually, I remember reading that non-Natives are not subject to US fed or state laws because tribal land is not US land or state land so US courts have no jurisdiction.

I definitely know people like this - and most of them work in fashion. I've been out with them and they will barely touch their dinner but guzzle down about 10 drinks in a couple of hours getting totally wasted in the process. It does not seem fun to me. I'd rather eat the delicious food (and expensive!) than drink

They are hands down my favorite place to shop for bras. The saleswomen are so helpful and nice. And they have such a great selection - nothing looks cheap and lots of colors and styles.

My cousin and her friends do this every single time one of them gets engaged - they go to Vegas for the weekend. I don't understand how this doesn't get old for them. I've seen her post pics on Facebook several times for different Vegas bachelorette parties.

In some ways I agree with you but it's hard to control for everyone else's personality at these things. I threw a low-key bachelorette party for a friend of mine which included a nice dinner out at a restaurant she loved and fancy cocktails at a nice cocktail lounge. The 8 women who were invited (all by the bride's

In addition to being an alcoholic, I think she's a general narcotics addict but doesn't think she has a problem because all her drugs are prescription meds. She seems to always have a bunch of pills and Kyle and others think it's "normal" for her to use a prescription med mix-up as an excuse for erratic behavior. Why

Callie - don't you mean "Vagina Murder Gate: The Tweet That Launched 1,000 Queefs"?

They keep changing the time/day it airs. It's too confusing to keep up with it. I just watch it on Hulu because it's gotten so annoying to track down when it actually airs.

I feel the same way. The characters went from "quirky" to "schticky". I wish they would reel it back in and do what they used to do. It reminds me of what happened to "Married with Children" - all the characters got so exaggerated that the show became really stupid.

If you Google Image search her name there are a bunch of photos where she looks much less schoolmarmish. It looks like she has good lawyers who are having her play the role of mousy shy girl.

I agree. But what I am getting at is that Smith's hands may be tied. If you are going to have a women's only admission policy, you have to have some sort of legal definition of "woman" and they could risk lawsuits or financial losses if they don't have a definition based in current laws. It's true that Smith could

There may be issues due to the school's charter. Many women's colleges have a requirement of admitting women only, so there has to be some sort of official definition of what constitutes a woman - in Smith's case it looks like it's based on legal identity. It's imperfect and needs to be addressed but it seems unlikely

The "Mrs. degree" name calling is something that is lobbed at all women's colleges. It's a really shitty thing and I dislike it when other women perpetuate it. I went to a women's college on the west coast and we were often called sluts and husband hunters as well. The reality is that in any population of hundreds of

JBrand is awesome but expensive. Uniqlo is inexpensive ($40) and awesome. I live in NYC though and there are a lot of options. I have found the women at Bloomingdales in the denim department to be incredible at finding great jeans for you if you tell them what you want (especially the older sales associates who just

I think the work of being a SAHP and the work of someone at a job are apples and oranges. I wish we didn't compare them because they are nothing like each other. Sure we can draw parallels but an employee's performance and a parent's performance effect different things and have totally different outcomes.

YES. Totally.

Thank you! I think for society to change and progress we really need more men like you to explicitly call out rapists and rape culture. Women need men to be their partners in this in order for things to change. It is wonderful that you are doing this!