

“They found grain in there too, right?”

That moment..when he pushes the newspaper forward to his traumatised son at the end..the little nod of acknowledgment...

Anybody who doesn’t laugh at Swedish Chef Karaoke is dead inside.

Well, I look forward to seeing Danny Trejo, Antonio, and Jessica Alba all on screen together again.

Way in the future, some conspiracy idiot is going to forget how this photo was created and go on a tirade about how the program was a complete which time Buzz Aldrin will rise from the grave and punch the idiot in the face.

So is Ronda Rousey going to play the Valkyrie?

Is this where Forrestal cashed in?

Im so used to Del Toro projects going away, Im not even mildly surprised.

Am I the only X-Files fan who never gave a rat’s ass whether Mulder and Scully got together?

Being you must be so god damn boring..

“Kids, we’re going to see the new Shyamalan movie!”

From the books’ wiki: As is typical of crannogmen, Meera is short and slim. She has long brown hair and green eyes.

So far reading the reviews of this has been the most fun.

I mean that the graphic suggests that the second player mirrors the first, but the scenario indicates no rules except that the two take turns. It doesn’t indicate whether crossing the center line is permitted or if the entire cigar must remain on the table top. The presumption is that a square table has an area that

I’d be a dick and shred the cigar so that it covers the whole table. Alternatively, you can probably place them standing up since one side is flat, but I don’t know what good that’ll do unless you save that trick for the last move.

I would like to add “Shockwave Rider” by John Brunner as an important proto-cyberpunk novel. Despite its dated view on computer technology I have found it to be astonishingly prescient in a lot of ways.