
Krull has amazing music. It captures the action on screen so well. I feel like I am riding on those fire mares when I hear the track.

And let’s not forget Krull.

I was thinking the large Northern noble may be from one of the mountain clans, like Torghen Flint.

Arthur Dayne and Howland Reed? Are we going to be getting more flashbacks?

Any movie that reinforces an existing fear or anxiety. All of a sudden there’s a face and context to something that was previously nebulous.

As a young reader in the 80s I was horrified by the Dire Wraiths and their brain sucking. Rom was a great character and it’s more the pity that Marvel lost the right or refused to pay for the right to continue to publish him.

Looks about right t’me. Y’see, back in dinosaur times, a dead channel wasn’t blue like it is today. Nosir, it was a black/white/black maelstrom of switching phosphorescence, containing all possibilities and none, resolving into a grey miasma.

It actually is, I think it’s a trick of language, for a lot of people that means static, but a dead channel is just a dead grey that has a hint of light behind it. It’s hard to see with new TVs because it’s a byproduct of vacuum tubes.

Yeah when we were watching I got so excited when I realized Rosario Dawson was Rosario. But really everyone was stellar. Think how easy it would have been to screw up Foggy. They nailed Foggy!

I’d say pretty much all the women in Daredevil were stellar.

Talking about women done right and you left out Karen Page (Deborah Ann Woll) from Daredevil? She was great in the show.

Wow. Nutmeg, you scary!

It didnt happen. I think it was weird that the Vibranium wasn’t used on Ultron himself, but actually to create the vision and to make the rocket core...

If you suck enough air out of a room to kill a fire, would that be bad for the people inside, too? This was bugging me all through that scene, and I’m really curious what the answer would be.

‘Also, AoS has become about ten times better than Avengers was...’

I have been on a self-imposed ban from watching any of the Avengers clips/trailers for about a month now. They have release way too much stuff. Its like you could take all the video clips and splice them together to watch 75% of the actual movie.

This is about flops, not what you think you’ll think of it. And no way Jurassic Park won’t be one of the biggest hits.

Fantastic Four. No question. After that, any remake.