
That said, I'd trade either or both for a second season of Agent Carter. In a damn heartbeat.

Ugh I have no idea how agents of shield remains on tv, it is terrible.

Considering they already have an animated Planet Hulk movie, though, would they really retread the same ground like that?

I get the biggest rager each time a new trailer is released for this.

Utterly amazing trailer. I cant wait.

Mad Max: Fury Road isn't all sand and explosions. There's a plot in there...

Are you my daughter? She also hated the book. "Oh my god does this guy ever stop whining??"

If that's how you felt as a teenager, your adult self will hate it even more. The weird thing though, is that it's actually a well written book. It's just that the main character is such a turd that it makes the book just unreadable. I tried to like it, at least from a craft of writing approach... and it really is

Agreed. I despised every aspect of this book.

Everyone loves season 1, but...I can't be the only one who remembered how slow the first half was? Nothing significant happened for episodes at a time.

This is one of those moments when The Big Bang Theory got it totally right


The latest 1984 cover from Penquin books.

I can't stop laughing because I'm reading this as you refusing to participate in the act of sowing motherfuckers, rather than calling people motherfuckers.

"Even if it's a plot development George R.R. Martin had considered from the beginning, Faegon feels like a last minute addition"

I can't help but feel that after producing the first three novels in a whirlwind of activity, GRRM wrote himself into a ditch and started spinning his wheels, with the new books nothing but endless subplots and "developments" with no real narrative cohesion.

Show Shae is certainly a deeper character, but I'd argue the show mishandled that depth. In the books you're kept guessing whether her affection for Tyrion is genuine or if she's just doing her duty for the cash. When she finally betrays him, this betrayal is shocking but not surprising. In the show, her affection is

Rob, why isn't this article titled "GORDON'S ALIVE?"