
Exactly. Pay the man.

Looks like I’m getting something new on the wall.

I figured I would come out of my self-imposed i09 exile to confirm what a terrible idea this is. An American-oriented film about the Shogun’s former executioner would either require so much exposition or else so much dumbing down for a standard moviegoing audience to care, that is is just laughable.

I love you, man. I came here to see if anybody else posted this.

I just came here to give props to a Ministry fan. Also...CARDINAL FANG!

The story is about a squire to a crusader knight at some vague point in the 12th century who encounter a village with a dark secret. There’s a cursed church and a vampire. Hilarity ensues, with a village girl and the squire hitting it off, the knight going missing and the knight’s commander showing up with his

I like the sound of it already.

I definitely shortened some things (dialogue, in particular) to get on with a scene, knowing that I will have to flesh it out on revision.

Mine is also a vampire story. But it’s more of a horror tale where its kind of a toss up as to whether the people or the vampire are worse problems for the protagonist. Also, it’s set in the 12th century so I really made it hard for myself.

Well, I don’t do well with rules and shit. I am 21,800 words in and the first draft will probably top out around 40k. Still chugging along, but when shit comes up and derails me...I let it. It’s not my #1 priority, after all. But I am still moving towards my personal goal (finish the damned thing).

Funniest screenplay =/= funniest movie. Some of these area great choices. But where is Caddyshack? Probably it wasn’t a great screenplay, but it is absolutely in the top 5 funny movies of all times list.

Found it by recalling my with Google Fu training. It was a 1885 Starblazer magazine.

I remember back in olden tymes when I was a hyper youth, there was a magazine article...probably Starlog....that posited that the Star Wars film after Jedi would be “how Anakin turned to the dark side” and it had Sybill Danning referenced as an evil with who seduced him against the Jedi with her evil Sith boobs. I

That’s it, man. It has to be. Shred the cigar...unravel it and spread the tobacco across the table.

Well, this looks pretty fucking great. Not sure how I felt about Natali (I’d only ever seen Cube, which was very good but narrow in scope) but he was definitely a visual director. Now I am feeling like something truly creative was possible and left behind. That’s Hollywood, bitches!

I like book Stannis and show Stannis. He was my fallback when Robb bit it. And he still is.

I think a good 50% of that rant was mine. Can I sue for IP infringement or something? Emotional damage?

Agent Carter was always intended to be a mini-series. But I can't believe they won't bring it back in some fashion. It is one of the best shows on television.

My first thought was "How did Dooley get a cyanide capsule?"