
The Nearness of You

My son enjoyed it. I did not. The bland characters reminded me too much of the prequels.

And honestly, some of the rebel characters felt pretty under-developed, so the time we spent learning about White Cloak’s “No Good Very Bad Day” at work could have been better spent fleshing out the people we are supposed to care about.

The Walking Debt.

Does that explanation somehow make them NOT painful to sit through or even look at?

The problem isn’t really that the story is embellished. It’s that it’s poorly cut and paced, that its tone is all over the chart, the titular protagonist is treated almost as superfluous and the special effects are for the most part inferior to those used in the LotR-trilogy over a decade ago.

Good for Carpenter. Dude deserves recognition, respect, and some cash for this ripoff.

Now playing

I was twelve years old when Phantasm had its original theatrical release in 1979, so needless to say I never got to see it. (My parents did take me to see Jaws four years earlier when I was only eight, but they drew the line at “R”-rated movies.) But I saw one of the television spots for it, and it ended with that

Such a classic BAMF. 80's action adventures are life.

Yeah, never mind. Just saw this is being done by the guy behind the Ghost Rider and Tekken movies. No thanks.

Side note: anyone else amused that the article image is not one of the titular Lone Wolf and Cub? It’s Daigoro, but that’s from a bit where a disgraced samurai turned con man decides to pretend to be Ogami Itto. This is Itto:

So they are going to adapt this story which is significantly less well known in the States and doesn’t fit the current trend of sci-fi with explosions. Then, when it makes less money than GitS, executives will blame the dearth of white star power and say this justifies whitewashing.

I hit 50K on the 25th and I’m still plugging away at it. This is a sequel to last year’s NaNo book which is called The Sword, The Crown, and The Scroll.

I learned a lot this NaNo!

I think many successful writers, when giving advice, forget to say, “This is what works for me.” You have to find what works for you.

I failed. The “ET meets Super 8 meets Cthuthu but from the ocean” MG novel I was planning didn’t come together. It takes place in the 80s in Queens, NY and a kid catches a baby elderitch horror while on a fishing trip with his dad and all heck breaks loose (it’s MG). I may try doing it in December cause I really don’t

It’s an old adventurer telling a story, and he’s a shitty person. But it starts in a town with a killer that turns out to be a werewolf, and they then go up river to this town that has been guarding this cave for hundreds of years and now the wolves are out and there is an old god under the ground. That’s about where

It’s shitty.

Husband is a huge bat fan and he’s adamant that the animated Batman is more pure Batman than anything in decades. It’s Batman with Miller nonsense and grimdark obsession stripped off. A Batman who cares about his rogues, cares about people, and remembers he’s still a hero, not just a dark avenger.