
Counterpoint: President Pence.

Hey! Fuck you! - a Bulls fan.

Axl is kill, obviously. It’s hard to believe there’s a Rose more washed up than Derrick, but there it is.

Yeah, it’s a really atrocious joke. Truly terrible execution, not to mention that it’s not in any sense funny. He deserves the ridicule.

Northern Illinois here. Same teacher. Nobody beat him.

I was thinking the same thing. It was more of a shaming than an actual violation. Zaza didn’t argue though. He knew what he deserved.

Lakeview here, Comrade. Have any details on Chicago?

Have any details? Northsider here. I’ll be there, wherever there is.

I’ll be there. You have any details?

Chicago here. See you there. Fuck this guy, his deluded supporters, and his craven allies in congress.

Seems like OKC would take that, but the best I can come up with are Westbrook and Sefolosha, which come up one short.

I regret that I have just one star to give for this.

I mean... That sounds practical. I can think of times I would wear that. But then again, I’m not very fashion-forward. their dangerous demagogue. Thanks for the correction.

Because the electors who selected Trump today were appointed by the Republican party. And controlling all 3 branches of government (as well as, shudder, almost 2/3 of states) is their wettest dream. They think they can control Trump, legislate at will, and (fuck us) call a constitutional convention if things break

Have there been any reported incidents of heroin use or abuse by former football players?

Agree with most of what you said. However, any Democrat we would put in the White House is going to face the same obstructionist Congress that Obama has dealt with for the last 8 years. I mean, come on, he tried governing as a centrist (by any objective measures), and he was still stonewalled every step of the way. It

You make great points. I’m not sure who that person is. Barack Obama was quite singular in this respect. He captured the imaginations of the progressives and had policy positions that soothed the centrists. It’ll be a long time before we see his like again, unfortunately.

Let’s be clear, though. Ideals (not yours nor mine, but someone’s misguided version of the word) won this election. Maybe we could have used a little of that. Obviously we don’t know what would have happened if someone else had won the primary, and it’s quite possible a Bernie or a Biden candidacy wouldn’t have

Get outta here. We were bitching about it before she won the primary, arguing exactly what came to fruition. That she was ultimately and irredeemably flawed, that her scandals would catch up to her, that her negatives were too great, that she generated no excitement... And that’s beyond the qualms we had about her