
Why cant people just apologize instead of listing off some fucking dumb-ass reason why they made a shitty comment or decision? No one cares that you were jet-lagged and tired. Just fucking say your sorry and shut your dumb ass up. We all know your original comment is how you actually how you feel anyway.

I effectively came out twice. Once to my family and another time in the military once don’t ask don’t tell was struck down. I’d tell my former self: Don’t worry about the ones who hate you just for who you are. They dont matter and in the end their hatefulness will come back to haunt them. For a few years i had an

This is just my personal opinion but i do think the extreme focus on monogamy can be detrimental to some portion of the population. Not that polyamory or polygamy are answers to every relationship because that’s simply not the case but i do believe there are a lot of people that need a greater diversity of

Are tennis dudes all just kinda shitty and entitled? Or is it just that i only hear about tennis players when they’re being shitheads because tennis isn’t that interesting at any other time?

I really and truly cant wait until self-driving cars are the norm. I honestly can say once the tech matures i’d have no problem whatsoever making human-piloted cars illegal. I always hear all these concerns about what dangers self-driving cars might introduce but i 100% guarantee they wont be as bad as what most

This is how games like StarBound, Terraria, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, etc make me feel. I don’t want to know how to be the best. I want to discover the nuances of the world someone painstakingly created for me. My husband is the polar opposite. He can barely stomach wasting a single resource or overlooking a single

lol comments like this always crack me up. I can deal with people not wanting to consider video games a “real” sport but don’t you think you’re being just a tiny bit over-dramatic with thinking its “disturbing & pathetic”?

Hey man fuck off with pointing out that “Mike” is a generic name lol. I gotta act weird just so people remember which Mike I am.

Yea little ceasars pizza is super shitty compared to most but when you price your product correctly i’m inclined not to care too much. Its only when i’m getting price gouged for shitty pizza that the food-nerd rage goes through me.

I makes me so sad, I desperately want to love Elite Dangerous and it is indeed a decent game but it always seems like for every one thing frontier gets right it also fails at something of equal importance. It makes me think they have a very narrow and specific vision for the game that just isn’t quite meshing with

Yea that drove me crazy. Along with the general low-risk of just about everything in ED. ED had the personal experience of driving a spaceship flawlessly produced, but eve-online had that amazing wild-wild-west thing going on with its game which just made everything you do more fun despite the crappy ship driving

I played tons of it. A great space sim for sure.

If Eve Online and Elite Dangerous could make a baby i would play that game forever. Individually though they both lack the glitter to keep me coming back. I do really enjoy both games, but usually in small doses after which i dont come back for months or years at a time.

That assumes its just the CBO criticizing this bill. No one is against ACA reform, they’re just against ACA reform that puts people at risk. Nearly every medical association, committee and corporation has come out to say this bill is lunacy. Its not just the financial folks throwing criticism. The ACA has plenty of

Although the number isn’t rock solid its estimated the number of people the average american interacts with in their lifetime is 80,000. Imagine an amount of people that is several orders of magnitude greater than you will ever interact with losing access to healthcare. You could live numerous lifetimes and still

It really pains me to see bigoted veterans. the unfortunate thing is its all too common. Especially for those who were a part of middle eastern conflicts. Lost one my best friends when we came back from deployment because i couldn’t stand by and watch him scream and rave at anyone with dark skin. It sickened me, he

I don’t know if you folks feel like its the same, but i empathize with this issue as a gay man. I have several former friends who pretty much told me i was being ridiculous when i asked them not to casually throw “faggot” around 100 times a day. They seemed to think because “They didn’t mean it as a slur against gay

How could they characterize this as a hate crime? i matter how you feel about the monuments legally its vandalism but a hate crime?

May you rest in fabulous company Edie. I did not know your name until today but you helped me marry my husband and for that i will be thankful until the day i join you.

I 100% oppose fully embracing socialism. However the United states would likely benefit from leaning a little farther in that direction. I don’t think we need to abandon capitalism but we definitely need to temper it if we want the countries’ increasingly unequal distribution of wealth to right itself.