
I can empathize somewhat with the article but a lot of times i see this type of discussion go in a specific direction i have an issue with. A lot of times it seems as if people expect others to know their thoughts and feelings without them being communicated. I have had this exact issue with many of my relationships,

“Not Cute” Did you not look at the picture you posted? Most Bats are pretty adorable. Fruit bats actually look like little flying dogs. I’ll allow people to say vampire bats arent cute tho. Their noses just don’t seem kissable enough.

As a reformed Floridian living in Seattle i can honestly say summer is my most hated season. I’m also a gamer nerd who used to be a submariner back when i was in the Navy. Most of the sarcasm in this article was actually spot on for me lol.

Watching movies in theaters is outdated. As far as i’m concerned there’s no real reason for me to pay more money to be less comfortable then i would be just waiting for the movie to come out in a form i can watch at home.

As a gay Vet this absolutely boils the blood in my veins. I personally knew many soldiers and sailors that joined and were ecstatic to not only serve their country but also get some of their medical costs dealt with as well. Cis-gendered sailors are allowed to undergo voluntary surgical procedures on shore duty

Her voice is very lovely as well. I enjoyed just listening to her speak.

Hey man as long as the costume is good lol

I mean i’m willing to entertain the notion that this happened as long as there’s sufficient evidence but my gut tells me we are not going to find any. I don’t know why this guy would even bring it up without evidence. It just makes him and his cause look even worse.

I’m not really talking about leaving it in place. There’s no reason not to re-locate these things out of their places of honor (which were not deserved) and put them into a properly curated museum. That gives historians the ability to explain to future generations why this statue was problematic and hypocritical. It

I disagree with both statements. There are worldwide organizations devoted to saving daily newspapers because of their inherent cultural and historical value. Imagine how much more we could know about our past and how our ancestors viewed the world if every culture had the ability to print newspapers and preserve

Yea its very worrying. I support these things being relocated out of places meant to impart honor/glory but we shouldn’t be destroying these items. They should be in a museum and carefully curated to send a message that encourages our people not to perpetuate the same crimes our ancestors did.

It still has value to teach people how hypocritical our history as Americans is. It can help educate future generations about how easy it is to paint a villain as a hero, a common trope in our history. Its important to educate people not only about the good pieces of our history but to also show how we can easily

I hope this guy goes to prison. I have no qualms about removing monuments or statues that are problematic, but we should preserve our history not destroy it. That goes double for pieces of our history that prove our past crimes and hypocrisy.

Yup, its very aggravating when people know it happened in a dream but cant get over it. Broke up with an ex of mine because he tried several times to hold me accountable in real life for things i did in his dream.

Condolences to her family. Its only a small comfort but at least she died doing something she obviously had a passion for. I hope i can say as much when i die.

Man this is one of the things that most confuses me. I’m a veteran, i get the respect for the flag and all but a lot of my veteran friends lost their minds when he took a knee for the anthem. As far as i’m concerned protesting injustice is far more American than empty flag waving. Even if i don’t agree with what

Tough call, my immediate knee jerk is to say no, however i can see specific uses where this gives an opportunity to de-escalate a situation or have two way communication with someone hostile or suspected of being hostile where before it might not have been possible. Imagine having a drone that’s nothing more than a

Good God Lemon!

Not really feeling the outrage on this one.

I disagree, its pretty obvious at this point that if politics isn’t made into a show people will not participate. That may not be how it should be but that’s the reality we live in. I honestly cannot blame politicians for using tactics that are effective at grabbing attention for themselves. Its the American public