Tennis is very revealing. Other sports allow you to hide the fact that you are an impetuous asshole. In a tennis match you are on display from beginning to end and for most of it the crowd is quiet. Also when you lose it is all your fault.
Tennis is very revealing. Other sports allow you to hide the fact that you are an impetuous asshole. In a tennis match you are on display from beginning to end and for most of it the crowd is quiet. Also when you lose it is all your fault.
Dear Little Caesars:
I basically assumed this is how you ran your business anyway, you’re Little Caesars. It’s cool, we’re fine.
If you’ve never played X Rebirth, I’d give it a go. It’s single player, but it’s really up to you how to play it.
ED Tends to nerf the most nerve-wracking, nail-biting, and FUN aspects of the game. Robigo got the Axe twice, then Ceos. High risk high reward? Nah, just deliver these toe-nail clippings halfway across established space. You get 14c a ton.
Bats are adorable. I have one that flies like a drunken bird and eats mosquitos around my house. I also have to stay vigilant with my local city government to make sure that they don’t mosquito spray - for the bats and the other pollinators.
That’s until you find out what you really got was a Ramon Lewis in a dress and lipstick.
Yes, that was a good shot. But the rest is still standing and now containing a very good exhibition on the history of the party rally buildings.
I have mixed feelings about all that tearing down of statues. On the one hand that adoration visible in the badges on those statues (and elsewhere). The south never really…
Not necessarily a danger, but unfit. And yes that is a valid reason for removal from the home. My wife is a social worker, I’m a therapeutic mentor we’ve both worked with mentally handicapped parents as well as as abusive ones. In both situations there are salvageable cases as well utterly ruinous ones.
This makes me wish i could play Freedom Fighters again
OR give the kids some fucking toys because childhood is fleeting as it is and ends entirely too early, so why hasten the demise?
You are my hero.
hey that was my last Saturday night! yay for shared interests!
Oh snap!
Not much but yours sounds great! Just lobster and fireworks with little joker for me.
An unhealthy amount of Overwatch and Red Orchestra Vietnam.
Technically, there wasn’t much he could have done. CIA doesn’t have domestic jurisdiction, the FBI’s Counter-Intelligence unit would have ended up investigating this (as they evidently have been/are). He’s also not been the head of the CIA since the inauguration, so it’s Pompeo who would be dealing with the aftermath…