
Hiding in plain sight

They had a power of attorney. Depending on how it was written, they could possibly sign documents and take his money without it being criminal or civil fraud. The law doesn't always protect human adults from their own naivete or stupidity

I don't think I wrote anything about concussions. I merely cast doubt on the story based on speculation, innuendo, and guilt-by-association.

Thanks Rob

How is there even that much extra skin/elasticity in the skin? Isn't there a limit to how far the human skin will stretch?

Other World Class Athletes:

I'm going with attempted suicide but changed his mind and swam to shore after the boat took off. Due to financial issues. Just speculation. But Konrad appears to have had a business relationship with Jeffrey Rubin, who has been banned from the securities industry for getting NFL players to invest in risky and

Thank you for taking the time from your sausage making to help me, King

Wait, nobody thought to question why the boat was set on autopilot for the Bahamas if he was just going up the coast to take his boat in for service?

The wild attraction tends not to last a lifetime, in any event. And in my experience, those with the most wild attraction also tend to have the most volatile relationships.

I am with you on the "being yourself" part. Aside from my parents and my sibling, my wife is the only person I can (purposely) act like a silly fool in front of.

Of course, Joe Paterno neither knew that his wins were stripped, nor that they will be reinstated. So in terms of sanctions against him, this whole charade is fucking meaningless.

I am fairly certain that if the menu does not describe salmon as "wild," then it is almost certainly not wild. Also, if the menu does describe salmon as wild, it is still almost certainly not wild.

My 9 yr old wanted to know what that man was looking for in Peter Pan's bum. It was an awkward conversation.

Counterpoint: the feeling of some nice ass cheeks touching your facial cheeks and rubbing around is (surprisingly?) enjoyable. As far as receiving analingus, well, I don't think that needs any explanation, does it?

Staying away from people sounds like great vacation advice to me.

To make up for the chance of catching rotovirus.

Making jokes while (badly) impersonating a random someone from another race/culture = minstrel

Correct. It is illegal for them to strike. I imagine that what they are doing now is illegal too, but who the fuck is going to arrest them?!?

Maybe if they were turned facing the mayor, they would have noticed his wife was not wearing jeans.