
Donald hires people who are unqualified to work at that level and in return they give him loyalty. If the Trump campaign seems like amateur hour it is because Trump designed it that way.

Please tell me it jams your fingers down into the compartment and mangles your hand. I want to see the lawsuit that the would-be thief will levee against the owner and RR. Gotta love ‘Merica.

I used to think that was a joke. 6 years in to the marriage, and I realize it’s a fact of life now...

I’m married, so I don’t have sex, ok?

Oh, honey, I have a ButtStuff2016 bumper sticker on my 1992 Honda Accord. I think we’ll make a great couple.

I’ll bring the bottle, you bring the blow. It’ll be just how imagined my wedding night since I was a little girl.

Yes! But only if we can elope. I’ve never wanted a fancy wedding.

I’m a lady.

Wanna party?

Professional wisdom suggests that if this is advice you are considering, you should actually be having zero drinks at parties, and also everywhere else.

So what they are saying is that if you can fill it up without using a hydrant... game on.

This exactly. I don’t think people who talk like reddit is some kind of vile place understand what reddit actually is.

Another horrible example for America’s youth, when will people finally learn to hold their phone properly while shooting video? smdh

One big, big difference in Gawker’s case is that they could make an argument (which they lost but are appealing) that said person brought on that level of scrutiny as a result of his own actions publicizing those aspects of his life by speaking about them on the radio.

You are very right about that, He managed to be actually charming even telling the guy ”I’m sorry about that” with wry smile when the reporter said he didn’t catch one.

We really, really are.

When I worked for a law firm I would think about this ALL THE TIME. Like, couldn’t I just get into a medium-severity accident that hurt me just badly enough that I could take a week off work? Or at least miss the hearing that was scheduled that day?

Sometimes I wonder if I got hit by a bus, would I get special consideration for my law exams? And then I remember that my university is run by sub-human spawns from Satan’s butthole, and no, they’d still make me do my exam (one student literally had to attend an exam still attached to a drip (incredibly severe food

Wow, I used to do this during my previous job. On the way to work, I’d always hope to get into a car accident. Nothing major, just enough to be rattled enough to not have to go in that day.