Please follow the path to the designated First Amendment Zones where you can protest peacefully, out of sight of any cameras or the people against whom you are protesting.
Please follow the path to the designated First Amendment Zones where you can protest peacefully, out of sight of any cameras or the people against whom you are protesting.
You realize, even if NoGas was not being sarcastic, wishing something doesn’t actually make it any more likely to happen.
Fat Point, Florida. Seems about right.
This Olympics is a really good ad for Brazil’s tourism board, well worth the $$$ invested.
I’d be impressed if as a little girl you anticipated the wedding night anal.
You drive a hard bargain, my love, but I accept your conditions.
Wanna get married?
Yes. You a chick or a dude? Doesn’t matter, just curious.
Anywa, it’s a false choice. Once you have a tab of acid and some weed (followed in a few hours by a molly), it doesn’t really matter how many drinks you have.
Lemon party, you say? What;s that about?
If only they had their staff spend time looking into things before they are publicly released, rather than after, all this unpleasantness could be avoided. Like with the (clearly not anti-semitic) “sheriff’s star.” It would have to take less time to vet these things beforehand than to have people scour the internet…
Another satisfied lawyer. Pretty fucked up that all those who think about this are employed as, or working to become, lawyers. We are some dour fuckers, aren’t we?
Shit, I work for a law firm
That’s funny because over the last 20 years of working, there have been many days that I prayed to get hit by a bus, not so badly that I would suffer any significant permanent injuries, but just enough to lay me up in the hospital for like ... 4 days, with a main line to the finest narcotics in the world. Like a…
Ah, fuck it, we’ll just blame it on rio.
Oh lord, I suppose there are no places in Canada that are as white as Iowa? Good grief.
For his next trick, he plans on cornering the market for candy and then denying it to children.
Except she is a Scottish hero