And just think, black teens get shot for having skittles in their pockets.
That male gaze double standard makes me want to chew my own fingers off in frustration. Of course she cares about how she looks. I love Taylor Swift but you’d have to be an idiot to not see how carefully she chooses what she wears or how she looks even if she’s just skipping out to the Duane Reade. Saying she’s hot…
I seriously cannot believe how badly they fucked this up. I mean this is essentially what happened in the books to a different character that has been switched out for Sansa, but Jesus Christ, in one insane plot adjustment they managed to completely trash almost all of Sansa’s development so far and in my opinion…
What has five hands and is that conflicted?
It totally is but I kind of love it, mostly because she mixed her model friends with amazing kick ass ladies like Mariska Hargitay and Cindy Crawford. It’s fun to see all these women together looking badass.
Katy Perry tried to sabotage Taylor’s entire tour, all she got were 3 dancers. Also as a bit of irony with the video, Katy got Selena fired from her management team 2 weeks after Selena signed on. There are quite a few articles about this. So nope not just about 3 dancers.
I love that Mariska Hargitay and Ellen Pompeo (aka Olivia and Meredith) slowmo walked in together...her two cats’ namesakes!
I’m entirely distracted by the Kia logo in the background of all the shots. My company does a lot of work for them, and they changed the logo slightly a few years ago, but the difference is subtle enough that it’s damned hard to tell if you aren’t looking at a huge blow up of the two side by side. Making sure it’s…
I’m sure if Katy cared she would have made things right a lot time ago. I think it does say a lot that tay has so many friends.
This outfit feels like the future and the 70s at the same time.
Taylor’s videos are so much better when there’s humor in them. Her serious romanticey ones always fell flat to me, but when there’s a contrast between the song and the video it’s so so adorable.
All this over left shark?
There were some idiots that, particularly during season 1/2, totally missed that and thought that they were supposed to want to be Don Draper.
Honestly when I get dumped I go into a cycle of “all men suck” so it likely wouldn’t matter HOW attractive the dude was.
Yup. Tonight I’m going on a date with a man who attended an Ivy League college and probably has a wealthy background, which I’m judging not just by his school but other signifiers. In fact, I’ve dated a few men of this background, but I went to state schools and make much less than them. Why do they not care? Deep…