She could pass for Dominican because many Dominicans are part black....
She could pass for Dominican because many Dominicans are part black....
My wife and I were all ready to try this out (we both have worked for companies that made DNA and RNA testing in the past, and are reasonably proficient with the principles of the science), and then I read the privacy policies. Nope.
Uh. Wait. Yeah. Did this affect vote tallies at all. The media was busy nattering about Hillary’s e-mails or slobbering over Trump. Bernie had massive crowds of adoring white millenials. People who wanted to vote voted. And Hillary was just able to get high-turnout Democratic primary groups (*cough*blackwomen*cough*)…
I wish you could see the pissy look I’m giving your comment through my hangover. I hate a doubting Thomas.
In before the debate even gets started.
Exactly. It’s like he is a giant cockroach in an “Eggar” suit.
Yeah, Jesus. Trolls have a Pavlovian response to anything Clinton.
To this day, I am proud to have voted for her. i think she would have been a great president. Now, only ~110 days in, people are already talking about impeaching the orange buffoon known as our president.
It’s both. She was debating a bully who has no problem using his physical presence to intimidate women. I don’t think a male candidate would have had to worry quite so much about Trump looming over them.
Are you indicating disagreement with that statement? Every single scientific post-debate poll had her winning them all by considerable margins. Which is one of the reasons she was 6-7 points ahead with two weeks to go before Comey fucked everything up.
(And before anyone makes a fool of themselves, yes, the polls were…
Trump is a dick and any person would be wise to practice “shaking hands” with him. And some have, just see what Trudeau did when Trump tried his signature move on him. It makes her and her advisors smart.
She won the popular vote by 3 million votes and Trump only won by blatantly cheating yet you’re still here mid-apocalypse complaining that she was a bad candidate. Clearly fucking not.
This would have been on Fox News with Hannity and O’Reilly screaming that Hillary wasn’t taking her debate prep seriously, Bernie would have gone on MSNBC to complain that it’s evidence she was using the “woman card” to gain sympathy, and the Times would have published an op-ed about how she was releasing candid tapes…
...except Reines isn’t an actor. He’s a political advisor. Which, okay, can be acting, but it’s not acting acting.
Color me shocked. With everything coming out now do we really need to keep debating why Clinton lost? This bullshit about her not being good enough is... just bullshit.
It makes me want to cry that our female candidate knew she had to practice not being physically intimidated by her opposition.
God, I miss Hillary.
I wish she was my President.