
You tell the best stories

It technically would be legal to deny membership to someone on the basis of their membership in BLM - consider the more likely possibility of it happening to someone in the Black Panthers or the Nation of Islam. (I agree that the threat of marching and chanting between sets is pretty ludicrous, but far more

Well, yes, but I was trying to keep it simple (I added the longer paragraph in a quick edit, actually, because I realized it’s the internet and people are going to find ways to misconstrue things...)

I’d argue though, that even if we carefully limit the definition of “who you are” to only federally-protected classes,

You absolutely can; some clubs won’t allow you to join unless you are an alumnus of a specific institution or affiliated with a particular political party, for example. I’ve heard of various “diners clubs” as well.

You can kick someone out because of what they DO (or don’t do.)

You cannot kick someone out because of who or what they ARE.

This is not difficult.

And, for the people who insist that he’d have to actively harass people at the gym for the gym to have the right to kick him out (that is, that he hasn’t done anything whil

Republicans, generally, consume less news, and what they do consume is carefully curated into a coherent and yet entirely disparate narrative from what the rest of the country is following.

I think 10 or 20 years from now they will have completely different memories of this era - complete with conspiracy theories -

That’s a delightful thought, and I’ll pick up one of these second-hand to do that.

Thanks for the bright spot. <3

German does have such a word.

I’m not surprised. His entire candidacy was based - not on lying to people - but on telling them exactly how much he would rip them off, and somehow convincing them to enthusiastically participate in the swindle, while both parties involved loudly blamed the Democrats for the predictable outcome.

A book where everyone

You think a man wearing a suit baggier than a toddler’s easter tights is wearing anything as constricting as sock garters? For what purpose? 

No, man. His socks are wrinkled, saggy, and fallen, just like everything else about him.

Ok, so. The Office of the Independent Prosecutor was an independent prosecutor (not the Attorney General, and independent from the Dept. of Justice as a whole) that reported directly to congress, and could be appointed by the DC circuit Court of Appeals. The position was established in ‘78 by the Democrats because

Can’t be a special prosecutor; that law expired in 1999. (I mean, there could be, but the AG would have to appoint one as opposed to congress, and clearly the junior-league guy they leap-frogged in to take over for Sally Yates isn’t going to appoint one. I’m not even sure he has the authority.) Shit’s a mess, is what

Reality: If you’re invited to a cook-out by people who have never eaten anything you’ve cooked before (that is, they don’t know whether or not they can trust you to bring something tasty or not) - please respect that this is a legitimate concern. They’re trying to save you embarrassment. Ask the host what they’d like

You go right on ahead. Very little is correct in this world at the moment; our vocabulary-usage and grammar-mechanics may as well be.

I think she did a spring color because Michelle’s lemongrass green from 2009 got rave reviews for being springy.

Don’t be ridiculous. She hasn’t waited this long for half of whatever’s left. (Although my intuition says an alimony payment based on his purported net worth - and with a New York residency - would be better than 100% of the debt and everything he really has......)

Justifiable self-defense.

Ideally, every woman who carries to term gives up her bodily autonomy voluntarily. The question here - IF you assume the simplistic model that anti-choicers do where it’s merely a fetus’ life weighted against a woman’s autonomy (which, we know it’s not; the woman’s life can be at risk, her

Even if it was QueenB with her photo as the avatar, it’s not like anyone would really believe it was her without a verified check-mark.

She probably has an account that she uses to hire cars for staff or friends when she needs to; I’ve called cars for friends who were short on funds or whose phones were dead or whatever. I’m sure she does the same, but also as a professional courtesy for people who are working for her.