
You say that, but the Gipper really went for that role as well - it’s a fine line between paternal and paternalistic, after all.

Thanks; it takes two, in all fairness. I’m glad he listens to me about it (and cares), and I’m glad he works with me to improve in the areas where I’m not doing as well as I could be.

Sorry for being gone for so long.

I can hear televisions and computer monitors, too. I completely understand. (Formative experience - my dad had this god-awful habit of only turning off the VCR and not the television. The screen went dark, so he figured why bother using two remotes? Yes, well... the TV was NOT OFF and

My husband didn’t believe me about the vibrational quality, so I made him get the multimeter and test the damned thing. I can feel it in my laptop, and in the microwave.

Suuuuuure enough, there it was. A weak current, but a current. “You shouldn’t be able to feel that; it’s well below the threshold for

Not only that, Hillary lost the evangelical vote in large part because she was so staunchly pro-choice.

Bernie is equally pro-choice and an atheist to boot. She’s a lifelong Methodist.

Sure, he wouldn’t have been fighting against sexism, but to pretend the racists wouldn’t have been out in droves against him for being

Blocking him WILL prevent him from being suggested to you, and finding someone’s profile won’t - as far as I’ve ever tested - make Facebook suggest you to someone. Certainly not after you’ve blocked them; they will not be notified of your existence whatsoever. (It’s actually your 100% best option, IMO, if you’re up

The way this works is based on you (or the other person involved) uploading your phone and email contacts. If the information in an uploaded address book matches the contact information another party has provided to facebook, they’ll suggest to that you might “know” each other - because clearly you do.

You can also

No; they have drawstrings inside their athletic shorts that serve the same function as a belt. (That is, to allow the clothing to be loose while putting it on/taking it off, but to keep it snug enough not to fall down while wearing it during vigorous activity.) Hockey players often wear suspenders to keep theirs up.


100% not kidding (and I’m sorry about suggesting this), but do you think a white friend might be willing to accompany you to the polls? Even if it’s not their precinct, they can walk inside with you and wait. White privilege is useful, and protecting our friends via proximity is effective.

I don’t have any advice to give, I just wanted to let you know that you’re not alone. I’ve been volunteering for Hillary’s campaign for months now, and I haven’t told my parents. I never will; they aren’t entitled to every detail of my life, especially if they would only use it as ammunition in a one-sided war.

I think it’s a very thin veneer of cheap-grade marble, likely in smaller tiles than it should be for the size of project, and the grout lines are painted. This way he can say it’s real marble, and it’ll feel like marble if you touch it - but it will still have that cheap feel to it because it just won’t be as heavy,

we would also accept “repurposed can full of dip-spit”

I was so pleased to see them with the Trudeaux when Canada came to visit; they’re all so dreamy.


To the point that Hillary had to say in her acceptance speech “I believe in science!”

And it was a controversial thing to say. This is where we are.

Kara, is it shade that you chose a photo of Taylor with her old nose?

I think it’s petty when folks try to paint all Slytherins as evil; Slytherins are just very adept at seeing the big picture and often have leadership skills as a result. That does mean some are manipulative-in-a-bad-way, but others are going to be extraordinarily effective at ensuring the big picture that comes to

What bothers me about his appearance isn’t how he looks - we all get handed a basic set of features - it’s how little effort he clearly feels he needs to expend on them compared to any of the women in the family.

That hairline could be fixed with electrolysis. His skin texture looks as though it hasn’t ever been

It’s a phone interview; he also could bother to write it down and read it.

He looked like an infant in the act of soiling itself.