
I’ve been saying Gilbert Gottfried. Being annoying is his entire schtick; I’m sure even if he wouldn’t do a Trump impression, he could be the same kind of exasperating, rambling mansplainer. 

Men who do that do not care how the woman feels, they only care that she is compliant.

You are communicating that sentiment very clearly. If you, as a black man, have a problem with how she says black men treat black women, because you feel it is an inaccurate representation - then as a black man, demonstrate to her that you treat women with respect.

She in no way whatsoever insinuated that anyone was r

There’s no counterpoint that should be made to this. This isn’t an argument you should be trying to win. This woman before you is asking you to support her. She’s asking for basic dignity.

Defend her when she is not there. Comfort her when she is.

Why are you instead trying to convince her that what she sees, hears,

He’s such a sadist, it’s equally plausible that he hacked off a portion of himself and made her eat it. Or that he’s referring to making her swallow after oral sex. Or (sorry about this) maybe he made her eat some of his excrement or something (sorry sorry sorry.)

Like... Ramsay was SUCH a sick fuck that none of those

In my case, I posted a message to her on the message board we both used and asked her to email me before I began accepting donations. She did, and then the people at GoFundMe were able to walk the two of us through what information was necessary to get the money to her.

The entire thing was surprisingly simple. I never

You can. I’ve done it before.

It didn’t even occur to me that pregnancy could be something on the list of things she might be referring to. The way the lines were delivered made it pretty damned clear that she was talking about physical wounds and emotional trauma.

But here’s another reason those people-who-are-probably-dudes are dumb:

Don’t read

The maesters (and wise women, and it’s HEAVILY implied that women brew it just fine all on their own, thank you) all brew and admister an abortifacient called “moon tea” which is made from tansy flower, mint, wormwood, a spoon of honey, and a drop of pennyroyal. It’s mentioned in the books quite a bit.

Unwanted births

Huh. I hadn’t seen that. I’m for it.

Generally, I agree, but in Michelle-my-belle’s case, there’s really no justification for the behavior of this particular group of people. To call them “critics” makes it sound like they are making “criticisms.” That implies there’s a thought process or a bit of validity to their position - none of which is true. They

I dunno - I’m a 34HH (Uk sizes, and not using the +3 or +5 band method) and the enell or the panache wire-free are my go-tos... but for things like inverted yoga postures, this looks like it might be exactly what I’ve wanted to keep them from falling into my face - and a hell of a lot more convenient than holding them

If you enjoy the brick-and-mortar experience, you might try taking your measurements at home and checking out the size-charts of the stores you know are in your area/at your mall before going. Some cuts and patterns will vary in-person, but it might give you a better idea of where to go so that you have a better

.... This is the most plausible explanation for the middle-name usage thing I have ever heard, and it is so simple that it must be true. I have pondered this for ages. (They do it for political assassins, too.)

Not with that attitude.

I wish I had something more meaningful than stars to give you.

I gotcha. For some reason, I was picturing a 12-year-old (ish) even though you didn’t actually say anything that indicated it. If you wanted to, maybe his appearances with the muppets would be an age-appropriate introduction?

Honey... I know you’re hurting right now, but that is your child, and you need to teach her.

Prince would do it.

You daft muggle, what do you think was going on? They just got a little mixed-up.