
You're totally that guy who says "Welp, she didn't get me a refill on my soda quickly enough. That's a dollar off the tip," aren't you? If regularly dine in the same establishment you are definitely the guy that all the servers try to get out of serving.

Do everyone, including yourself and especially your unfortunate usual date-partner, and stick to Arby's, you miserable crank.

Oh, that's true. So !#%!#$! true. I'd love for America to be like that, but until it is, individually screwing a server to make a stand about how things should be doesn't effect any change and only hurts other folks.

Tip like you can afford to eat there - or you can't.

Treating tipping like a game of chicken ("Who's going to give the most of themselves first: The server lying prostrate for the diner's whims? Or the marvelously kind overlord who treats 19% as a Boy Scout-esque good dead for the day?!?") is ridiculous. If your server did a good job and treated you like a human (which,

Ted Cruz dresses like a 16-year-old Lincoln Douglas debater.

You might need to scale your tip according to where you are. In DC and Virginia, even the nicest places rarely have more than a waiter and busser, but in new Orleans many of the nice place have 4 or 5 people depending on that tip. There's the waiter, the busboy, the guy refilling everyone's water after every third

Yeah, I typed one more (actually, read his response to me - it is truly a golden example of confused privilege), and now I am done. I just - I really was this asshole before. I waded in to a comment thread about race, in which I tried to explain that maybe they were misunderstanding what was going on, and how about

Sure, generally speaking you can disagree with women's assessments of things they say. But it's a bit different to say, "Hey, I was there, and I think it went down a little differently" (which, incidentally, is what I am doing when I disagree with what you say - I mean, I keep putting the exact words you said down,

Surprise! He can't! His entire response is predicated on the fact that, by saying that maybe sometimes the thing he said happens, followed by the fact that it doesn't really bear significance here, means that I have halfway agreed with him, and now we have something to work with, because what this is really all

Truth though, I will continue to keep showing up to respond to everything he says so long as he continues to keep showing up to DEMAND someone address his hypothesis, even though you and about ten people already have. It's time we start using people's own tactics back at them. Plus, I'm at work and bored.

Stalking? I don't know. I don't think I saw that occur.

Is it possible that what is actually going on is that I am annoying you for sport, and for the entertainment of everyone else here, and you are merely perceiving it differently?

For instance, you may say something incredibly asinine, and then I post a gif making

Also, seriously, stop saying you were polite! It is not polite to tell people you don't believe them about their own experiences! You're a troll at best and a moron at worst, and literally no one here thinks there is any merit to anything you say. It's almost depressing how you keep coming back here for another

Your substitute dialogue assumes a punch in the face occurred.

Oh, really? As someone who works with glues and paints based on this medium, allow me to inform you that "casein" is derived from the Latin caseus, meaning...oh, yeah...cheese. Casein is a fucking milk protein, so even if she were so almighty blitheringly stupid as to not know whether she was allergic to that

Call me prejudiced but I don't trust white guys with dreads.

Ha, ha ha, haaaa. Try being a female scientist half way to a Ph.D in plant genetics, trapped in a conversation about GMOs at a party with some white guy with dreads. The layers of insult and irony in this scenario, which is somehow a fixture of my life....

My brother is a serial fuck-up. He just cannot get his emotional shit together. he has a good job (somehow) but is in a loveless/abusive marriage and is an alcoholic. Despite this, members of my family consistently believe his narrative of our childhood over mine simply because he is male. He physically abused me