
thank you.

This was incredible, and exactly what I needed right now.

You're also wrong. Prince William and Kate are not supported by taxpayers. Prince Charles uses the income from his Cornwall estate to pay for himself, Camilla, Will and Harry. William also received a huge inheritance from Diana's will several years ago, and Harry got his inheritance when he turned 30 last year.

I'm from the Southwest, I don't know how you strange lake-adjacent people refer to yourselves, but you all seem very nice, so I'll fix it. Should appear corrected in a sec.

I'd like to be the devil's advocate, but these Satanists know what they're doing.

Plenty of Americans have those jobs. We just don't like to talk about it and we do it all under the table so that there are no benefits. I know many Latinos working as gardeners and many Latinas cleaning houses and taking care of babies.

You are not crazy for asking an adult man to not pee on the floor. And if he does, he needs to clean up his human waste. That is disgusting.

What, you mean you don't name all your eggs and hold little funerals every month?

Bless her heart.


Yep, the whole time he is the one trying to make sex happen and it's only that he is too drunk/tired to make it happen. She basically lays there questioning her life choices as he gropes and licks away at her.

Not really any story to it. A drunk guy called her to come over at 8am, she did, he initiated and attempted sex several times but because he was drunk and tired he fell asleep, Amy then left. There is no there there as far as rape and it's ridiculous to call it rape.

I donno, a quick search for "Emma Watson" on Reddit says otherwise.

My previous job used to have our weekly meetings at 3:30. On a Friday. It was the bane of my existence. All the employees were young and single-ish, so there was the assumption that we could just drop everything and stay whenever and it would be NBD.

Also, if you're coming into work at 10:30, don't bitch when your employees who got to work at 8:30 leave at 5:00. I had a boss who routinely showed up for work around lunchtime (or rather, just in time to go to lunch) and come 5:00 he was always like "where's everyone going?" Um.....we got our work done during the

The Victoria Secret Angels subsist on egg powder, water, and vitamins for weeks leading up to their Fashion Show and there's no hysteria over that. I don't see how this is any worse.

I know she was put through the ringer at a very young age simply for making the wrong choice (one that many young women do) and getting involved with the most public person in the world. It must have been hell. But the fact that she is making a comeback as of late makes me wonder if there aren't people out there

yeah it's just that we don't really expect much from people who are paid to be pretty, and i was kind of grossed out by all the OMG SHE'S GONNA BE A MODEL comments. it was a little too reminiscent of the olsen-twins countdown.

"When will the white community leaders stand up and condemn this epidemic of serial killers?"