Thanks so much for commenting. Let's talk - my email is (anonymity guaranteed).
Thanks so much for commenting. Let's talk - my email is (anonymity guaranteed).
I'm a longtime Jezebel reader and first-time (hopefully not the last time!) commenter. I did it specifically to respond to this posting about my former friend Doe Deere. I won't give away too many details, because I don't want to "out" myself.
someone stole my credit card info and spent hundreds of dollars yesterday. Oh, guess what, I bought something from LimeCrime with that credit card last month. No one informed me. This is the first I've heard about it. So angry but their website is down so who the FUCK do I contact?
Oh thanks. Some theories, for others to read:
Perhaps, at last, she'll be shut down?! Calling her a musician is far too kind. When I was in college a girl I knew, who sold terrible diy skirts on ebay using old dirty pillowcases, adored her and wanted to be livejournal famous. She got student services to fund Deere coming to the school to perform. The audience…
Lime Crime has always been sketchy. The indie makeup community blew up at them years ago for selling unaltered mica at a 300% markup and stealing people's photos. You never hear negative stuff about their lipsticks, arguably their most popular product, because last time someone put up a negative review on their…
I have known about Lime Crime's sketchy businesses for a while. Apparently, when she started she used to sell makeup manufactured in Asia and stated that she actually made them herself. I also know that she had a beef with the owner of Sugar Pill. She also has very low tolerance for customer critiques.
it was probs delicious and practical and i will want it
No lie, I had a dream about you. I was interviewing celebrities and one on my list was "Adultosaur" and I was like "hey, I know that name".
You know, I became a Kim stan just because of all the hate she gets. Anyone whose sole reason for being hated is she is annoying, and 'lacks talent' yet has somehow turned a sex tape into a empire that supports her entire family gets my respect. Tbh, if I could pull that off (IE, lay off the burgers) I would.
the best I can do... That's all I got
kim's not perfect, but people are massively cunty to her. like consider themselves way above her when her hustle is on point.
Ursula has attitude for days. I'm going to go out on a limb and say the artist likes his ladies chunky and quiet.
So I'm going to go out on a limb here: is it possible that the fashion kevlar vest for kids is actually a statement about racism, parenting as a person of color, and police violence in the US?
i have a one track mind but
I actually think that a lot of the "hate" aimed at him is bad-spirited and really just hits on the fact that he's not cynical, he's not mean, and he's so atypical for today's TV. People are so trained to think that being genuinely happy means "fake" that they can't understand it on TV anymore.
The "Uninvited" reference was brilliant. Effervescent, in fact, since my nose is now filled with seltzer. Bravo.
I have relatives who are like her parents and they're still savoring what an awful person I am based on things I did as a small child. You can't win, you can just cut them off in the way that's truest for you. This was awesome.