I'd love to hear how she'd explain a non-drunk teenager getting raped in her own room in the middle of the day. Hi. Yeah, that was me.
I'd love to hear how she'd explain a non-drunk teenager getting raped in her own room in the middle of the day. Hi. Yeah, that was me.
Yeah, in real life I just grimaced and walked away. But in the article, I called her a mean name. BUT SOMEONE EDITED IT OUT. Apparently, Millihelen is not my platform to passive aggressively name call people who are mean to me at preschool pick up.
I don't think it's for attention. It's for entertainment. They're disappointed she hasn't taken to social media to complain so that they can see the fruits of their handywork: her suffering. That's what this is- sadism pure and simple, not any cry for attention.
I like how that guy's defense is "actually, we didn't think you were talking to us, we were just mocking another victim of harassment."
Sorry, but this shit is an empty gesture that accomplishes nothing that it aims to do. I get it, titles can be difficult to get right. Sometimes people don't like certain titles. Fine. We already, as a society, give people TONS of freedom to decide the honorifics applied to them (more than many other societies I might…
"More then 2hours and no tweet about all the shit weve [sic] done," one complained.
"We don't want to offend one person, so we're going to offend everyone else in the program!"
I'm not anti-gun. I grew up in a place with guns. I understand their utility. But the reason I've never bought one — besides the difficulty of getting a CHL license in New York — is that it's another thing someone can wrestle away from me and use against me. I just don't think it's a solution to the larger issue.
Dude with balls, here. Having your knees together does not crush your balls. Just sit like a decent person. Don't be an asshole.
4chan is a horrible place, period.
first things first i'm the #actually
I vividly remember the only time I went dress shopping (yes, some straight guys have a sense of style/fashion too and I have a thing for wedding dresses) and was a bit surprised when I didn't get kicked out.
When I went dress shopping I put on a dress and immediately thought, YES, THIS IS THE ONE. I walked out of the fitting room, beaming with excitement and the trio of ladies I brought with me (my mom, my godmother and my BFF) were like, meh. They didn't like the fit, they didn't like the color (metallic blush—like a…
amazing. didn't he said something along those lines about Niki Minaj lately? That first he felt she could steal his spotlight on "Monster", but then he realized he prefers her to shine with her talent? I mean being so reflective on your own egoism and also being ready to handle it then in a constructive way definitely…
when i first started out as a mixer/ sound technician for musicians (on a lease basis), everyone, but especially the male artists were horrible to me. they wouldn't accept my suggestions or even worse, do what i said but shift it up a bit so they could put their own name on it. none of them wanted to listen to someone…
Okay so I have to call shenanigans on any man claiming that manspreading has anything to do with testicles. I have an absolutely gargantuan unit and yet somehow I ride a train without my legs completely dominating the leg space of the people around me. If your piece is in an uncomfortable position, you just adjust it.…
It's obvious that, like women of yore, men are having a hard time keeping their legs together. Kristen made this point delightfully. If New York is going to take such draconian measures as putting up posters they should also be responsible for helping out the poor afflicted men. I humbly suggest the MTA provide free…
Guys if your balls are so large they needs more than 3-5 inches of space please go to the free clinic. You have an STD.
If I, a guy with perhaps the sweatiest goolies in living memory, can keep my legs together when there's more than a handful of people on the carriage, any man can.
My thighs are bigger than most people's waists, and even I don't do this stupid shit.