
I think I understand what she was trying to say. There's a difference between changing things about your self/life because your partner is forcing you to fit some mold of what they want in a person, and making compromises to achieve a common goal with a person because you just truly love each other and want to be

This is something I'm slowly realizing. My life dream was to be married to a great guy with an amazing career and I'd just take care of him. That was it. All I wanted. And then at 30 and a failed 9 year relationship I realized that it wasn't going to happen. So I went to grad school and started doing the types of

Are you the real Taylor Swift? I doubt it and I feel like that lie reflects on you poorly as a person.


You are literally a man who can't take no for an answer.

and in last min she just trademarked and appropriated Adultosaur.

This isn't all that shocking considering Forever 21 and the like gets away with selling unofficial merchandise by tweaking things or just using lyrics. But apparently not when T Swift is on the case.

An artist's depiction of Lily's editor hanging out in this comments section

An Open Letter to My Ex's Wife:

"I have lots of ideas about such girls, but these ideas are not actionable because they don't allow [you] to get close enough,"

It is worth noting that the man quoted above is 40 years old. One of the others is 39. Not really sure why he thought college girls were a workable strategy in this first place. I would have been extremely creeped out by a strange middle-aged man approaching me and giving me a ton of compliments and asking me weird

An all male Sex and the City sounds totally rad! You should totally pitch that to Hollywood, the tag line could be 'putting the man back in mani pedi!

It's not my type of music...I heard her compared to Siouxsie so I had to check her out. She's talented, though. I still stand by the statement after I heard Fancy for the first time—this girl will be a star long after people are saying "Iggy who?"

Oh, please - if Mrs. Obama had worn a scarf, FOX would have gone apeshit and called her a Muslim.

The cops found her with at least three times the legal level of melanin in her system.

No. They care about sending a message: next time she needs to fire a warning shot to defend herself, she should try being white while doing it.

I am an adoptive father of two girls from China. They are now 16 and 18 years old. When they were infants, our family stood out as different. Back then, my wife and I did the heavy lifting when it came to race. As our children grew (and about 6 years old seems to be the time that children start to be aware of

Fantastic article and I really appreciate it being published here with so many useful links. I think it's so important to get this issue on people's radar and to have an open dialogue about how and what we're teaching kids about race.