A couple thoughts,
A couple thoughts,
She's one of the most graceful stunning woman on this planet in my world.
I'm not plus size, but my boobs are (32H), and I never found any tops in a store when I was pregnant (with a giant bump too) that wouldn't get me arrested. I tried and tried. It sucked. Apparently people above a C cup or with large (or multiple) babies don't get pregnant either.
Right. I tend to buy ahead precisely for this reason. I have a friend who wears about an 8 and I kind of hate shopping with her b/c she looks and everything and buys nothing with the "I have nowhere to wear it" line. I'm like, must be nice to know that if there is a party or wedding, or whatever, you can run into…
Yeah, I'm confused as to why he's going after Beyonce, and not people like Icky Australia who sings about 'Pussy,' or Miley Cyrus, who flosses hers on stage while humping dcks of married men? I guess this all stems around the First Lady taking her kids to see Beyonce in concert?
On paper, Beyoncé is the poster child for Huckabee's "Bubba culture" (that's what he called it on The Daily Show last night) values:
It's not even just that these are two examples of equally corrosive cultures. One of these people sings songs about contracting STIs and wanting to have sex with minors. The other, at least for the most part, sings songs about consensual relationships between adults that don't harm their participants beyond possibly…
anna, i have a new flag request option: "It's fucking stupid as all fucking hell"
No...NO, Jez. I refuse to put any blame on this woman. Sure, she could have been honest, but how well does that work for women? Like honestly? No matter how *nice* she was, all it would have taken is for this dude to go on reddit/4chan/whatthefuckever and post her personal info with a sob story about 'uppity bitches,'…
I had a civil conversation with Holly Fisher's husband.
wait can we focus on rbg officiating a wedding
This just in: Supreme Court Justices have opinions.
lol ok bb you proved you were the coolest hipster good job
Don't worry, Mark. People just don't like that you've broken the illusion and aren't really sitting in your bare-walled New York apartment, smoke in one hand and a Cosmo in the other, staring thoughtfully out your window as a glowing computer screen displays a blank, waiting page on your 95 word processor.
"What if we…
Stuff like this makes me realize I am the opposite of PUNK ROCK. I'm like a trio consisting of a triangle, xylophone, and penny whistle, being played by a bunny, an otter and a manatee.
I am a professional writer, and there is no way I could stand to write for Gawker if every time I posted an article I'd have to get shitshow about errors. Sometimes they creep in. I have two editors look at everything I write, and an occasional dropped letter will still make its way through. Just fix it and move on.…
Yeah, this is what confuses me about really extreme evangelical Christians (or any other extreme Judeo-Christian religion); I can accept that a religious morality code might find lustful thoughts to be inherently wrong. I don't agree with it, but I can understand it. What I don't find logical is the idea that it's…
Right? Christian evangelicals have more in common with radical Muslims than they'd like to admit.