
GTFAC with your facts, we don’t need that here.

I’ve never experienced racism. Therefore it doesn’t exist.

BLM is kinda sketchy to me.

I dunno. Some guys are into quality acting, ya know...

I think it’s a fair question to ask. Not all of us lesbians are gold star lesbians. I can only speak from me and my circle’s experiences but for a lot of us, that relationship with a male (no matter how far it progresses) is part of the process of knowing and understanding what feels right or realising who you are.

Look, obviously I want to learn the identity of the A-list celebrity pedophile before anyone else. Indeed, this is basically my right as a voracious online tabloid reader.

“The closeted perv has never come out as gay”

Because he very well may not be; being a child predator /= gay. Abusive sex is about power, not identity.

Luckily, Mix has all that money from selling out to Big Booty.

BLM: “Some police are assholes.”

I’m from a fairly bilingual French/English part of Canada and I’ve had Americans think I’m mega pretentious with my over-the-top French pronunciations of words that I just don’t know how to say any other way because where I’m from even rednecks don’t anglicize them. So I can definitely feel for people who grew up

UW fans are the most delusional and insufferable fans this side of Ann Arbor. I hope they are always mediocre at best. Having said that, Chris Petersen is not a dick.

No. No one wants them to be good. Ever again.

A man who was paid handsomely without producing anything of value has nothing left to learn in Silicon Valley.

Who poops naked? At least in a public toilet. Is this a thing?

i hate this

I’m actually a competitive athlete. This conversation has been going on for years, just read fittish.

Comments like this are almost as good as the ones to the Cardinals lost a game articles. They warm my heart.

The last Bronco to get a shot that good was Aqib Talib...On Aqib Talib.

“Miami leads the league in APE (average player erectitude)“