
Says the guy who calls them “Spurts” like that sort of idiocy is less ridiculous.

You should probably read the article.

I think the real news here is that Wyllie wears a leather jacket/blazer/thing. Who the fuck does that?

Do go on. How are their deaths his fault, exactly?

Completely agree. Don’t understand the obsession with him, he drives me nuts.

Seattle resident and former die-hard Sonics fan here, and right there with you. After the Clay Bennett & OKC debacle, the league is dead to me, and I’ll never buy a ticket or watch a game again. Couldn’t pay me to do it.

I thought that was eye-hand, not hand-foot? too lazy to investigate, though

I ain’t giving you no tree fiddy you goddamn Brock Ness monster

I’m pretty sure his voice isn’t the problem; rather, it’s his sham science people aren’t interested in taking in.

Is this body armor really a thing? I had no idea, though it makes sense.

Same problem in Chrome on a laptop

I cant imagine they made all their money back at that selling price

Oh my god I haven’t seen GTFAC in a long time, thanks for tossing that gem in there.

Its almost like saying a situation is fucked up is waaaaaaay different when you start throwing racist language in it. Only almost though, obviously not actually, right?

Played like a kid, went out like a kid.

As a fellow southender, meh. They’re not hard or scary. They fold easier than origami paper.

I don’t want to totally ruin things for you, but she’s a native speaker of Italian. I’m not, so I couldn’t tell you if she’s hamming it up, but odds are her accent is more correct that any of the Jersey Shore-style bullshit.

As a native Seattleite, Husky fans might be more annoying than the human dingleberries that comprise the 12s. They’re right up there with the morons that end every sentence with Roll Tide.

wherein they’ll claim to have an incredibly complex formula behind the rating. The talking heads will be able to somehow guess it instantly, thus confirming their genius. Except Darren Rovell, who’ll be prepping his tweets for the super bowl.

This is great, really, no joke, and there will never be enough professors like you (in this regard, at least). I hope you publicly shame every single professor who assigns the latest version of the book they authored/co-authored/edited and then never references it even once all quarter/semester. Those are the fucking