Dopamine Girl

Me and my (now ex) girlfriend Sarah were young and gullible enough to think that there was a really good chance the John Titor stuff was real.


It surprises and kinda disturbs me that anti-Irish sentiment existed so recently here. I’m part Irish, my grandfather fled here after somehow angering the IRA. I am disturbed by the way the UK is going in general, but I do have to say that most of my interactions with the police have been pretty positive... maybe

I am incredibly grateful that the police here in the UK are not armed. I mean, they have an armed unit just in case, but in general the police here usually don’t even carry tasers. They’re trained primarily in deescalation, conflict resolution, things like that. The armed unit are trained to keep their cool during a

I’m curious. You go with “LGBT” but you never actually say why you’re including the “T”. So, why do you have issues with trans people? To me, it’s never seemed at all rational, but I have a different life experience than most. See, I’m intersexed, I was born with a body inbetween male and female. They put “male” on my

It was disgusting and disturbing in a different way, but... I recently accidentally stumbled across a Daily Show video that had the dashcam footage of Philando Castle being shot. I’m a pretty sensitive person emotionally, partly due to poor mental health, and... that was genuinely the worst thing I’ve ever seen

Absolutely unacceptable. I’m throwing my support behind “2 Girls, 1 Election”!

That’s the second most disgusting and disturbing thing I’ve ever seen on the internet.

This is all such a depressing issue that that’s how I’d decided to reply, too. But God damn it you beat me to it!

Surely Bannon’s the krokodil user, I mean, just look at his skin.

I’ve noticed almost all of Trump’s tweets are a lot more readable if read in that stereotypical obnoxious valley girl voice.

“Fucking disgrace” and one or both of “May” or “Hunt” always belong in the same sentence.

What academic function does constantly mentioning your penis have?

Waj: We’ll blow something up.

I notice that you keep failing to address the point that Nepal themselves banned this, there’s nobody imposing anything on other cultures here. I’m assuming that’s because actually acknowledging this fact would break the narrative of your strange little rant.

This analogy is a load of balls.

Hey, Ipswich is gritty! You don’t wanna mess with an Ipswich farmer. They’ll slaughter you like a pig, then use your blood to paint their houses pink.

How can you’ve reviewed these without at least mentioning the awesome if weirdly named “xtander” clips that attach some of these pads to mobile phones, meaning you don’t have to prop them up awkwardly and can have truly mobile emulation strictly legal playing of Sonic the Hedgehog mobile ports?

The science nerd in me wants to weep at the phrase “drug-free stimulant”. Even more so when the next sentence includes them adding more drugs.

It’s an idea worth restating until it’s acknowledged as at least something worth investigating by those in power. And spreading it amongst the general, non-ruling population, so they can put pressure on those they elect, might just help with that.