Dopamine Girl

Breaks mine too. But I’d feel it more helpful, personally, to go “fuck the prohibition laws that create and support a giant, dangerous criminal enterprise” myself. Few people who really want drugs find them difficult to find, the money these arseholes make and the amount of usage makes that extremely clear, and making

If I were an American, I’d rather go with the lower of Mike’s Americas, where the citizens are free to have opposing opinions, to critique their leaders (whether crudely or eloquently), and where people thought for themselves instead of mindlessly worshipping Dear Leader. I’m not accusing Makenna of mindlessly


Currently 08:19, it appears I’m five hours ahead of the timestamps on these comments.

Indeed I did, and thank you for ungreying my suggestion! It does seem a particularly good alternative name for, as well as video tool for replying to, Mr. Locomotive Jones.

If it’s wrong to murder someone, as in kill them for reasons other than self-defence or the defence of others, which killing those responsible cannot even be considered a preemptive example of given that a life sentence would protect society just as much, then the death penalty is a deeply disturbing hypocrisy. Nobody

...You do realise that the ECHR is not, in fact, part of the British government, right? And that while we do indeed have socialised healthcare funded by our government, the NHS is also not actually a part of the government? Now, our current government most certainly is engaged in policies that are horrifically callous

Thank you! That is rather high praise. 🖖

Now playing

If it’s at all helpful, may I suggest changing how we refer to him as “Thomas the Wank Engine”? Preferably as voiced by Armando Iannucci, and this “Bullshit Buzzer” from “The Last Leg” might even be useful in replies sometimes!:

Well thank fuck, because this summer’s been way too hot! ...Yeah, I actually don’t watch Game of Thrones. I’m not sure I could handle the grimdarkness I’ve heard about it, since... my mental health, especially currently, is unfortunately really not in a good place. Arrow and Battlestar Galactica are about as grimdark

One of the things I really love about having asperger’s is that, as a result of having far less social instinct than non-autistics and having to learn such things the hard way, I feel like I have more innate ability to then analyse the learnt social conventions on a conscious level and make more of an informed choice

That’s fair enough, I’m just pointing out that some of us do make choices that, while they align with patriarchal wishes, have nothing to do with them. I remove body hair because it makes me feel more physically comfortable. There’s of course also the confidence boost from being considered more conventionally

I didn’t actually know what that was, until just now. Crime dramas aren’t really my thing as a rule. I’m a nerdy girl and tend to lean more towards sci-fi and fantasy... so I do, of course, love Doctor Who!

I stand by my Northern English cultural heritage of hot, strong, milky tea, preferably an Assam-heavy blend! The way tea is supposed to be drunk!

It seems to me that ensuring you do the opposite of what the patriarchy expects is still allowing yourself and your choices to be dictated by the expectations of the patriarchy. I’d rather not give any faecal material whatsoever, and instead go with whichever choices makes me happiest and most comfortable.

Oh God, why did you have to expose me to this “Ben Garrison” figure? It’s not even his political views I find the most offensive, but that he’s one of... those people! You know, political cartoonists! You know, I believe Annie would make a particularly “good” one if she’d just slap each of those disparate list items

It’s certainly better than the abomination known as “iced tea”.

Of course.

If, for the sake of argument, there actually are all these evil US government conspiracies going on, secret Mars colonies, etc... then logically, surely they are now the responsibility of Donald Trump? I mean, if this were actually going on, surely he would be aware of it, and would even be complicit in it if he

As a Brit, I’d find it extremely hard to date a Conservative Party supporter. DUP, UKIP, and BNP voters would be right out. Honestly I’m disillusioned with every party here except maybe our own Greens (who have pretty fantastic policies and at least recently a lot less lunacy than yours, but not a chance in hell of