Dopamine Girl

The FC30 Pro is far prettier. Also, you failed to mention one of the neatest features of these controllers, that they have a clip to attach them to phones.

Now playing

This is absolutely fantastic news. We’ve come a long way from the days of horrors like this:

I’m actually really starting to worry about something, is there much possibility that instead of (merely) being a thoroughly unpleasant man, he’s actually (also) having some kind of psychotic break, or slipping into some kind of dementia? Because even though his past clearly shows what kind of man he is, we’re still

Come on. Rich white men are a legitimate minority who need protecting! They’re the 1%, remember?

When no one was looking, Donald Trump took forty cakes. He took 40 cakes. That’s as many as four tens. And that’s terrible.

Could be worse. They could’ve called it the “Galaxy Note 7 Phoenix”.

“Objection, your honour! You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life. See that girl, watch that scene, digging the Dancing Queen.”

How do these idiots think that making someone take a sip of a liquid proves it’s not hazardous? Even apart from the fact that a suicide bomber’s not going to take issue with poisoning themselves (as long as the effects of said poison don’t come on too quickly/strongly), non-hazardous and non-toxic are not the same

Personally, my favourite is...

To be fair, I sometimes catch myself doing this around straight guys. The friendlier they are, the more inclined I am to “subtly” drop my lesbotronic status into conversation.

The idea that you can “own” a sentient creature is absurd. I highly doubt my cat thinks of himself as my “property”.

It’s a shame you didn’t put Bush’s ratings up there too, for comparison. Would’ve been interesting.

Steve Bannon’s looking unusually photogenic there.

I’m inclined to give them a pass right now. One of my closest friends just left her wife and had been in a pretty terrible state... But she says going to their concert with another friend made her feel like a gleeful 12 year old again. So thank you, Hanson.

“You don’t need to see his invitation. These aren’t the seats you’re looking for. He can have a second slice of cake. Move along now.” 👋

How my heart feels upon reading this news:

It’s all quite simple. You see, while consent is normally a matter of yes/no, consent to Bill Cosby exists in a quantum superposition. Since the wave function isn’t collapsable until after he’s had sex with someone, how can he possibly know a woman didn’t want to have sex with him? #QuantumCosbyApologism

I assume in those first four quotes, you meant “... X was lying when she said you hit her”? Otherwise though, that’s totally awesome!

I’m already calling them the “Axis of Evil”.